A good reminder for those who think the Buddha never spoke "harshly" and would never criticize other religions. Truth can be "harsh", But truth needs to be said in the right time and place. (Sujato trans.) AN 10.78 Nigaṇṭha: Jains 78. Nigaṇṭhasutta 78. Jains “Dasahi, bhikkhave, asaddhammehi samannāgatā nigaṇṭhā. “monks, Jain ascetics have ten bad qualities. Katamehi dasahi? What ten? Assaddhā, bhikkhave, nigaṇṭhā; They’re faithless and dussīlā, bhikkhave, nigaṇṭhā; unethical, ahirikā, bhikkhave, nigaṇṭhā; without conscience anottappino, bhikkhave, nigaṇṭhā; or prudence, asappurisasambhattino, bhikkhave, nigaṇṭhā; and devoted to bad persons. attukkaṃsakaparavambhakā, bhikkhave, nigaṇṭhā; They glorify themselves and put others down. sandiṭṭhiparāmāsā ādhānaggāhī duppaṭinissaggino, bhikkhave, nigaṇṭhā; They’re attached to their own views, holding them tight, and refusing to let go. kuhakā, bhikkhave, nigaṇṭhā; They’re deceptive, pāpicchā, bhikkhave, nigaṇṭhā; with bad...