Blogger's email subscription support broke a few years ago,
The oldest known giant sequoia is 3,266 years old (It was already hundreds of years old when the Buddha was alive!)
I'm not asking for paid subscribers there.
Basically using the free services of substack as an email subscriber manager.
Links to new free posts from this blog site delivered to your email address:
runs on the free google blogger platform, using feedburner to create the RSS feed.
A few years ago, google stopped supporting the blogger email subscription option.
So now you have to use a 3rd party like mailchimp, to manage those.
Sendfox was recommended, the free version is probably sufficient for my subscriber base.
However, sendfox traffic is so high, I can’t even login and register an account.
So I had to look into alternative ways to maintain an email list for the blog.
To publish on substack is free, and it maintains the email subscribers for you.
The email subscription options for the subscriber seem pretty robust and reasonable.
So here we go.
I’ll be sharing some posts from my EBT related blogs regularly.
I think I finally found an ad free, quality 3rd party solution.
The oldest known giant sequoia is 3,266 years old (It was already hundreds of years old when the Buddha was alive!)
Email subscribe
My substack is free, just like the Dhamma.I'm not asking for paid subscribers there.
Basically using the free services of substack as an email subscriber manager.
Links to new free posts from this blog site delivered to your email address:
click this link to subscribe: details
My EBT blog,
runs on the free google blogger platform, using feedburner to create the RSS feed.
A few years ago, google stopped supporting the blogger email subscription option.
So now you have to use a 3rd party like mailchimp, to manage those.
Sendfox was recommended, the free version is probably sufficient for my subscriber base.
However, sendfox traffic is so high, I can’t even login and register an account.
So I had to look into alternative ways to maintain an email list for the blog.
To publish on substack is free, and it maintains the email subscribers for you.
The email subscription options for the subscriber seem pretty robust and reasonable.
So here we go.
I’ll be sharing some posts from my EBT related blogs regularly.
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