Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Help? causes of hindrance of sloth and torpor.


Causes of sloth?
My biggest problem during meditation is sloth, as in the past I had jhanas consistently, but now the only hindrance I mostly have is sloth. I believe because I weakened desires/aversion/restlessness so much in the past, that those aren't my issues anymore, and now my biggest issue is sloth.
I don't have a wandering mind anymore, but I have a sunken mind as a result of sloth.
I think what's causing my sloth the most is not fasting enough, as fasting makes your digestion more efficient, and thus you get more energy from food. In times where I've fasted 24 hours, my energy was actually greater.
Also not being celibate drains energy as well.
Basically I think food and uncelibacy are the causes of my sloth.
I also think sleeping on the floor increases energy levels as well as having a better posture improves breathing and energy.
So three things to work on for me:
More fasting
More sexual restraint
Sleep on floor more

this is an important topic. i'll have more to say later. But I'll mention a few important ideas I found helpful for my battles with sloth, that EBT doesn't talk about

standing meditation

taking short naps lying down with an alarm clock, 10min, 15min, or 20min.

doing or an extended period, say 15min, of shake and bake, or some other exercise like taiji, qigong, at a pace that elevates breathing and heart rate. In contrast, doing slo mo mahasi zombie style walking meditation won't shake off sloth and drowsiness. There's a big misconception out there that you have to move super slo mo for the mind to be very alert and mindful. Try this out yourself, as long as you're doing simple repetitive motion that's in a safe environment, say an indoor strip of 30foot length walking meditation path, with no poisonous snakes or hazards you have to watch out for, going slow or fast has nothing to do with sati and sampajano.


with celibacy, I urge every serious practitioner, especially young people, to try this at least once in your life. Try pure celibacy for at least 100 days. Pure celibate = no sex, no masturbation, no lustful thoughts to the best of your ability. And after that, review, reflect, maybe even keep a journal to read later so you have a clear reference point and personal experiential knowledge of how energetic, how sharp your mind feels, how much less food and sleep you needed, how energetic it easy it is to maintain a sitting meditation posture, etc. So now for the rest of your life, you know what it's like to have vigor/viriya, and how much less of an impediment sloth and torpor can be.

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