Saturday, February 25, 2023

who can you trust?

 This is just one benchmark (for USA adult citizens), but it does tell you something useful, especially when there's a long history.

I hadn't checked my credit rating for many years, but now it's common for many banks to give free credit reports, with 'soft' inquiries that don't lower your credit rating.

(hard inquiries, for example getting a big loan from the bank, will lower your credit score).

Why is my current debt only "very good" and not "exceptional"?

Because you have to have activity, you have to have debt and owe money and show repayment history to get the highest score.

Besides monthly credit card usage, which I pay off the full amount every month, which is essentially temporary petty cash money that I pay off instantly, I have a large savings (for my lifestyle) and zero debt. I owe nothing to no one (in long term debt beyond one month credit card cycles). 
If I wanted a better credit score in this category, one way to do it is get a 30 year mortgage  on a house and pay it off the monthly installments on time. 

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