Saturday, December 24, 2022

Relationship between jhānas and stream entry, and ridiculous Vism. theory of 5 hindrances matching 5 jhāna factors


Re: Relationship between jhanas and stream entry

Post by frank k » 

dpcalder wrote: Fri Dec 23, 2022 8:53 amI’ve heard some conflicting opinions on this

Are the jhanas necessary for stream entry? Are there differing opinions on this?

I am also curious if anyone can help me better understand the relationship between the jhana factors and suppression of the five hindrances.

It is my understanding that each jhana factor suppresses a certain hindrance. Is this suppression total eradication or just temporary?
You're getting wrong ideas from Vism. and LBT Theravada.
The whole 5 jhāna factor matched up with a perfect soul mate in one of the 5 hindrances is idiotic and corrupt, doesn't come from the suttas.
Even in the Vism. where it talks about that, Buddhaghosa claims that hindrance soul mate matching comes from one of the KN treatises, and the translator Nanamoli adds a footnote ("no it doesn't"), meaning he can't find it in KN where Buddhaghosa says it comes from.

Just use some common sense. Ekaggata for example, would be enough to counter any of the 5 hindrances, not just one of them.

As to your real question on the relation between jhāna and stream entry, if you're following Vism. and LBT, then I have nothing to say, other than you're in for a world of pain and confusion.

But if you're interested in the EBT suttas, no need to worry about this question. Because jhāna is indispensable and absolutey necesssary for arahantship, and there's a quite a range of quality in both jhāna and stream entry. For example, there was the drunkard in SN 55 who other followers doubted being a stream enterer, but the Buddha said he was.

The only way you'd know for sure if you're a stream enterer anyway, is if you develop your jhāna and psychic powers to the extent that you could see how many lives left before you become an arahant.

Otherwise, whether you believe you're a stream enterer is mostly based on a flimsy checklist of indefinite qualities the suttas says are necessary, or faith in someone who you believe is an arahant claiming you're a stream enterer.

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