Friday, June 21, 2019

erection when meditating

Posted by
 13 hours ago
Erection when meditating
I get erections when meditating. Why is this? Anyone else?

1 point
just now

Without more information about your age, lifestyle, health, etc, there could be other causes. But there's one case where it's an excellent thing. If one is celibate, keeps their mind clean and pure, and meditation is good quality, then erections that happen free of lust, is simply a sign of good health and free circulation of vital energy. Very much like morning wood, the erections males get upon waking up in the morning that are not due to lustful thinking.

If one can stay celibate and meditate regularly and frequently, then vital internal energy gets sublimated, and your mental clarity, samadhi, immune system, nervous system is going to be rejuvenated.

If you follow the worldly way long enough, indulge in passion, etc, then getting erections without lust, as a sign of good health and meditation, won't happen for long.

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