Sunday, June 23, 2019

"To be honest with you", cheat sheets are not a great idea
(someone shared a "Buddhism Cheat Sheet" PDF on the forum, to which I responded:

In Buddhism, there's no lying, killing, and cheating. Probably best not to call it a "cheat sheet"


then said:

The term cheat sheet is used as " a written or graphic aid (such as a sheet of notes) that can be referred to for help in understanding or remembering something complex".

There are also additional 'cheat sheets' in the sidebar of the r/Buddhism subreddit created by other users.

and my response:

Everybody uses the 'f-word' and 's-word'. Does that mean we should as well? This is what 'cheat' means according to the dictionary:

1.act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination."she always cheats at cards"
2.avoid (something undesirable) by luck or skill."she cheated death in a spectacular crash"*synonyms:*avoid, escape, evade, elude, steer clear of, dodge, duck, miss, sidestep, bypass, skirt, shun, eschew; More
1.a person who behaves dishonestly in order to gain an advantage."a liar and a cheat"*synonyms:*swindler, cheater, fraudster, trickster, confidence trickster, deceiver, hoaxer, hoodwinker, double-dealer, double-crosser, sham, fraud, fake, crook, rogue, charlatan, quack, mountebank, racketeer; More

"To be Honest"

Another popular expression people use is, "To be honest with you". Whenever I hear that expression, the first thing that comes to mind is, "what percent of the time are you lying to me whenever you don't preface with that NOW you're being honest?"

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