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translate this line from MN 69 commentary, on definition of a-rūpa

Summary of the discussion thread:

MN 69 Goliyāni

(Sariputta is giving the talk, not the Buddha)

(1. should have respect and reverence for his spiritual companions)

(2. should be careful where he sits)

(3. should know even the supplementary regulations)

(4. shouldn’t enter the village too early or return too late in the day)

(5. shouldn’t socialize with families before or after the meal)

(6. shouldn’t be restless and fickle)

(7. shouldn’t be gossipy and loose-tongued)

(8. should be easy to admonish, with good friends)

(9. should guard the sense doors)

(10. monk should eat in moderation)

(11. monk should be committed to wakefulness)

(12. should have aroused-vigor)

(13. should be rememberful [of Dharma])

(14. monk should have undistractible-lucidity)

(15. a wilderness monk should be wise)

(16. should make an effort to learn the higher Dharma (Abhidhamma) and higher training (Abhivinaya))

(17. to realize the peaceful liberations that are formless, transcending form)

(18. to realize the superhuman state )

Original discussion thread

translate this line from MN 69 cmy, on āruppa

Post by frank k » 

Can someone give a complete translation of this line? It's the commentary to MN 69.
♦ "āruppā" ti
ettāvatā aṭṭhapi samāpattiyo vuttā honti. tā pana sabbena sabbaṃ asakkontena sattasupi yogo karaṇīyo, chasupi ... pe ... pañcasupi. sabbantimena paricchedena ekaṃ kasiṇe parikammakammaṭṭhānaṃ paguṇaṃ katvā ādāya vicaritabbaṃ, ettakaṃ vinā na vaṭṭati.
First sentence says 'aruppa' refers to the 8 meditative attainments.
Kasinas are mentioned, but I can't make out what the rest of that definition is saying.

The relevant line from MN 69:
Āraññikenāvuso, bhikkhunā ye te santā vimokkhā atikkamma rūpe āruppā tattha yogo karaṇīyo.
A wilderness monk should practice meditation to realize the peaceful liberations that are formless, transcending form.

So what the Theravada commentary is saying, wrongly, is that the four jhanas are a-rūpa (since 4 jhanas are part of the 8 attainments).

And can someone explain the difference between the two spellings a-rūpa and āruppa (which mean the same thing)?
Āruppa (adj.) [fr. arūpa as ā (= a2) -- *rūpya] formless, incorporeal; nt. formless existence D iii.275; M i.410 cp. 472; iii.163; S i.131 (˚ṭṭhāyin); ii.123; A iv.316 It 61; Sn 754; J i.406; Dhs 1385 (cp. trsl. 57); Vism 338; DA i.224; SnA 488, 508; Sdhp 5, 10; the four Vism iii, 326 sq.
The subcommentary for MN 69 says:
Āruppāti iminā catassopi arūpasamāpattiyo gahitā, tā pana catūhi rūpasamāpattīhi vinā na sampajjantīti āha – ‘‘āruppāti ettāvatā aṭṭhapi samāpattiyo vuttā hontī’ ’ti.
Kasiṇeti dasavidhe kasiṇe.
Ekaṃ parikammakammaṭṭhānanti yaṃ kiñci ekabhāvanā parikammadīpanaṃ khandhakammaṭṭhānaṃ.
Tenāha ‘‘paguṇaṃ katvā’ ’ti. Kasiṇaparikammaṃ pana taggahaṇeneva gahitaṃ hoti, lokiyā uttarimanussadhammā heṭṭhā gahitāti āha ‘‘uttarimanussadhammeti iminā sabbepi lokuttaradhamme dassetī’ ’ti. Neyyapuggalassa vasenāti jānitvā vitthāretvā ñātabbapuggalassa vasenāti.
That seems to be correcting the commentary, saying that it's only the four a-rūpa attainments that are meant, and not the 4 rūpa attainments. Then it mentions there are ten-fold kasinas.
I don't understand what it says about parikkama ...

Can someone confirm I'm translating correctly for subcmy?



  1. Āruppāti iminā catassopi arūpasamāpattiyo gahitā, tā pana catūhi rūpasamāpattīhi vinā na sampajjantīti āha – ‘‘āruppāti ettāvatā aṭṭhapi samāpattiyo vuttā hontī’ ’ti.

    In regards to "āruppa": by these ones, all four immaterial attainments are taken, but they do not attain without the four material attainments, thus it was said, "āruppa was said referring to the extent of the eight attainments".

    1. thanks for that translation Ven. Yuttadhammo!

    2. Sorry, iminā means "by this", I guess referring to the passage itself.


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