contact info, response to blog comments, subscribe

I don't check the email for this blog regularly, so best way to comment on blog posts is through one of these forums, in order of preference:

1. On reddit: username is lucid24-frankk
r/EarlyBuddhismMeditati : purpose of 'meditati'

2.  (as user 'frankk')

3. (as user 'frank k')

4. : I'm experimenting with twitter, for now just to broadcast announcements of new and updated articles, not for receiving and answering queries. Note difference in username here is lucid24_ (underscore), and on reddit is lucid24- (hyphen). 

5. My facebook account since 2011: I almost never use it.  I maintain an account to support the 🎙️audtip🔊‍ facebook page, and to contact Dhamma friends who frequent facebook. 

My blogs


There are two was to subscribe to blog post updates. 
1. by email
2. by RSS feed

1. To subscribe by email, at the footer of the blog (bottom of the page), there's a dialog box to enter in your email address. As far as I know, the blogger management settings doesn't tell me how many people subscribe by email, or even who they are, so I believe your email address info is safe. 

2. by RSS feed

basic info about RSS here.

Near the bottom of each page of the blog, there's an option to do RSS subscription with:
Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)

To read your subscription, you will need an RSS reader. On firefox, for example, I use the "feedbro" app/browser extension to read all the blogs and RSS website updates that I subscribe to.

The "Follow" and followers (for blogger platform)

I don't know what that is, or how it works, and most importantly, how anonymous it is in protecting the "follower" public identity, and whether or not it subscribes to blog post updates. I installed it anyway in case anyone uses it. It shows up on the right sidebar at the top.