Originally it was intended to be named 'Early Buddhism Meditation', but they have a character length limit so it got truncated.
'Meditati' sounds kind of cool. Like Illuminati.
sidebar summary of group:
Meditation and scripture studies on early Buddhist teachings. Comparison with later Buddhist teachings and non Buddhist meditation techniques, only to clarify and understand meditation from an early Buddhist teaching perspective.
In addition to the sidebar information "about community":
Purpose of the group:
- A list and explanation of Abbreviations commonly used: STED
- This space is meant to be a resource center for meditators to ask questions relevant to EBT meditation and get answers from experienced practitioners. In a bigger forum like r/buddhism, you would be inundated by a confusing array of (often contradictory) answers from multiple traditions within Buddhism. Here we are focused on authentic EBT (early Buddhist teaching).
- Help sort out and determine what 'authentic' EBT (early Buddhist teaching) is. Believe it or not, there are famous and popular teachers within EBT with erroneous interpretations of key doctrinal points, which has enormous ramifications on EBT meditation and Dharma practice. Obviously 'erroneous' can be relative and/or subjective. If you prefer 'erroneous' interpretations of EBT, this forum is not for you. But if you value truth, integrity, and are willing to abandon even cherished ideas and views when they contradict EBT and objective unbiased personal experience, then you're in the right place. Trusted sources of genuine EBT:
- http://lucid24.org/index.html: complete collection of pali+english suttas mostly derived from suttacentral and B. Sujato's translations (but fixing his erroneous interpretation of jhāna related terms).
- https://www.dhammatalks.org/: Sutta translations from B. Thanissaro, and all his essays, books on Dhamma, and his audio Dhamma talks.
- Discussion of physical exercises that augment and complement practice of EBT meditation, even if the exercise is not of EBT origin. Such as: ☸🦍☯ Qigong Gorilla
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