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S&S, V&V, upekkha: comprehensive definitions

S&S🐘💭 = sati & sampajāno

See definition for sati 7🐘.
Sati in isolation (without sampajāno) occasionally just means the pre-buddhist remembering faculty SN 48.9.
But most of the time, Sati in isolation (without sampajāno) is intended to slurp in S&S🐘💭4sp🐘, or even 7sb☀️.
Sati with Sampajāno is an explicit declaration that the specialized Buddhist meaning of 4sp🐘 is intended.

sampajāno = lucid-discerning

in verb form: pajānāti (he discerns). See SN 54.1MN 103⚡💭.
Frequently occurs in the phrase S&S🐘💭 sati & sampajāno.
Sampajāno is what Dhamma-vicaya 2💭🕵️ (Dharma investigation) does in the 7sb☀️ awakening factors.
Sampajāno is equivalent and/or closely associated with pañña/discernment 5👁, vimāmsa/discrimination of 4ip 🌕⚡, right view 1👁, vipassana/insight (see SN 46.3).

sati 7🐘 = remembering

0. Basic function and Pre-buddhist (MN 36 5ind) meaning of sati: 'remembers' what was done and said from long ago (SN 48.9 sati-indriya).
1. Whenever you see 'sati' without qualification in the suttas, almost always the intended meaning is the specialized Buddhist definition in SN 47.2.
1a. sati = STED 4sp🐘 satipattana formula
1b. Sati is recursively defined as S&S🐘💭 (sati & sampajano) in each of the 4sp, remembering & lucid-discerning.
1c. The lucid-discerning (sampajano) that rides shotgun with sati in S&S, is a thin disguise for right view 1👁. Pajano is a form of pañña 5👁 (discernment), and many suttas equate pañña with right-view. So sati can not be a choiceless awareness zombie with Right View joined at the hip with sati like siamese twins.
2. Sati remembers ☸Dhamma. Always (SN 47.6SN 47.7). ☸Dhamma = Buddha's teaching that leads to ... viraga, nirodha, ... Nirvana. The 4sp formula in the officical sati definition is another concise way to express ☸Dhamma. So is the 4nt.
3. Sati is the head of the 7sb dragon (SN 46.1). When you see 'sati', often it's implied you should slurp in all 7sb☀️ awakening factors into the picture, which you already start to do by slurping in 2nd factor ☸Dhamma-vicaya. ☸Dhamma is what sati remembers, and ☸Dhamma is what the 2nd factor in 7sb investigates. The 3rd factor Viriya vigorously executes the ☸Dhamma instructions recalled by sati. Etc.

✅Right and ⛔Wrong

✅Sati can take on any one or more of the meanings above in any combination, simultaneously. They're not mutually exclusive.
✅In the suttas, you often see S&S🐘💭 as a compound, or just 'S' sati on its own. Whichever form is used, usually all meanings are implied. I.e. sati includes S&S🐘💭4sp🐘7sb☀️.
⛔Sati is not choiceless awareness *
⛔Sati is not bare present moment awareness *
* Sati may at times manifest superificial symptoms that resemble a choiceless awareness zombie, but that is a side effect, and not the true meaning of sati.

4👑☸ Cattāri Ariya-saccaṃ 四聖諦

V&V💭: vitakka & vicāra

Vitakka 💭 = directed thought.
Vicāra 🕵️ = the evaluation of that very same directed thought, not a separate train of thought (SN 46.3).
Vicāra explores, inspects, discriminates, evaluates, ponders, scrutinizes, discerns, considers the very same thought initially fixed upon by vitakka.
Vitakka decides on a topic, then gives it to vicara to analyze it further, KN Pe 7.72.
V&V are speech vocalization co-activities, MN 44. You need to think and evaluate with V&V before coherent speech can be vocalized.

V&V💭 in 1st Jhāna🌘

The content of those thoughts, unlike ordinary V&V, must be kusala (skillful) related to Dharma (AN 6.73AN 6.74AN 6.75).
Otherwise, vitakka & vicāra in 1st Jhāna🌘 is intrinsically the same in 1st jhāna as it is outside of it.
So long as the thinking is attenuated, not too frequent and intense to tire the body and block kāya-passaddhi (bodily pacification), pīti & sukha (MN 19).
First jhāna j1🌘 is vocal silence, SN 36.11, where speech ceases, but thoughts connected to Dhamma continue (MN 19MN 78MN 125AN 8.30).
Second jhāna j2🌗 is noble silence, 👑😶, where V&V ceases, S&S🐘💭 takes over.
In third jhāna j3🌖S&S🐘💭 does vipassana (AN 4.41AN 9.36MN 111), a deeper version of first jhāna doing vipassana using V&V.
S&S and V&V correspond to sati and Dharma-vicaya of 7sb☀️SN 46.3.
Sammā-saṅkappo 2💭 (right-resolve) precedes vitakka (thinking), but in most contexts involving jhāna you can treat them as equivalent (MN 117MN 78).
Even in Vism. and Abhidhamma V&V still means mental recitation of speech. After exiting 2nd jhāna, one mentally chants, 'earth [kasina], earth', to get into third jhāna.

• explicit: every. single. reference. to vitakka in the suttas 🔗bl

🛆👁 Upekkha = equanimous-observation

1. Upekkha-sam-bojjhanga (SN 46.3), is exactly the same as... (#2)
2. upekkha of 3rd and 4th jhāna (AN 3.102).
3. Upekkha of 5abi (MN 152), one can infer, is also the same as the above, since for one to be an awakened noble disciple, one would need a minimum of first jhāna, obtained via 7sb.
4. Upekkha of 4bv, for an ariya, would share attributes with all of the above. As part of 4bv, one would energetically pervade in all directions (of desired radius) upekkha that could be sensed by other beings as a palpable peaceful radiation, similar to how seeing someone smile can make you smile.
5. upekkha of 5 indriya/vedana (SN 48.37) corresponds to 3rd and 4th jhāna. The 4 jhānas are the progressive pacification (passaddhi-sambojjhanga) of these 5 indriya/vedana (SN 36.11).
⛔ Upekkha is not just 'equanimity'. It's equanimous-observation. Upekkha = upa + ikkhati (👁 looking upon).
✅ Upekkha has an equanimity aspect, but more importantly, vipassana capability to realize awakening. It's basically Dhamma-vicaya-bojjhanga supercharged with samādhi-sam-bojjhanga (aka four jhānas).
1. 7sb☀️ → 7🛆👁: as the 7th awakening factor
2. 8🌄 → 🛆👁: part of 3rd and 4th jhāna, of sammā samādhi
3. 4bv☮️ → 4.🛆👁️: as the 4th brahma-vihāra
4. 5👑abi️: as part of the 5th noble one's developed faculties.
5. upekkha of 5 indriya/vedana (SN 48.37) corresponds to 3rd and 4th jhāna.

🔬 Details

Diving into all passages with 'upekkha'


  1. Hi Frank, in, what version of tipitaka are you using? Is it PTS or the BJT edition ?

    1. arka, did you get my previous replies through private msg (responding via gmail notification of blogger comment)? I sent you my email address through there, along with some replies to your questions. started off with a complete copy of sutta central's B. Sujato English translation with CST6 burmese tipitaka pali. I then went about fixing B. Sujato's criminal translations on vitakka, vicara, kaya, rupa, as well as adding some of my own translations.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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