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Showing posts from January, 2020

Ajahn Brahm's Jhabrama Jhana is not Jhāna

Jhabrama Jhana is not Jhāna I've annotated some of the errors. Most of it is in Part 3. Ajahn Brahm’s ‘Basic Method of Meditation’ reviewed First read: mirror, mirror The Basic Method of Meditation (book) PART 1 Sustained attention on the present moment PART 2 Silent awareness of the present moment Silent present moment awareness of the breath Full sustained attention on the breath PART 3 Full sustained attention on the beautiful breath Experiencing the beautiful Nimitta First Jhabrama PART 1 Sustained attention on the present moment “The goal of this meditation is the beautiful silence, stillness and clarity of mind.” Meditation is the way to achieve letting go. In meditation one lets go of the complex world outside in order to reach the serene world inside. In all types of mysticism and in many traditions, this is known as the path

Kāya, rūpa, vitakka in the 4 jhānas: Mirror mirror on the wall, do I have bias, integrity, or none at all?

You have to ask yourself a simple question. What really is your motivation? It's a simple question, but your quick response answer may not be accurate. If your goal is seeking truth, then you should be approaching the EBT (early buddhist texts) with the attitude of trying to understand it on its own terms, and making sure inferences and assumptions connect all the dots of all the suttas, leaving a coherent EBT with no contradictions in meaning. If you find that you have to cherry pick a few passages, use a very dubious interpretation, which then leaves the rest of the EBT body of work incoherent and in contradiction, then you probably need to do a deep introspection and revisit some simple questions. What is my motivation? Am I being honest? Do I have hidden biases? Am I just scouring the suttas looking for anything that can be taken out of context and misquoted so I can lie to myself and confirm the bias of my own previously dearly  held view? Here's a simile.  Anna

tracing how vitakka works in 4 brahmaviharas from EBT, to vimt, to vism

tracing how vitakka words in 4 brahmaviharas from EBT, to vimt, to vism Edit Delete post Report this post Quote Post   by  frank k  »  Tue Jan 28, 2020 3:41 pm for vimt. and vism: EBT: Vimt. matches up quite well with EBT, especially you read the section on thoughts of metta and 'fixed meditation' , 'jhana'. It doesn't segregate the thinking in access concentration. In Vimt., which uses an earlier much less corrupt version of abhdhamma, access concentration means there's spikes of interruption of 5 hindrances, and appana samadhi, fixed penetration, means that 5 hindrances do not interrupt at all. A very reasonable definition that actually seems to work with EBT, by adding something without clobbering existing meanings and definitions. Vism. on the the other hand, it's a complete mess of contradictions and incoherence. I challenge any Abhidhamma expert to give a clea

DN 9: B. Sujato criminal translation of rupa

DN 9 from B. Sujato suttacentral “Furthermore, a mendicant, going totally beyond perceptions of form, with the ending of perceptions of impingement, not focusing on perceptions of diversity, aware that ‘space is infinite’, enters and remains in the dimension of infinite space.  “Puna caparaṃ, poṭṭhapāda, bhikkhu sabbaso rūpasaññānaṃ samatikkamā paṭighasaññānaṃ atthaṅgamā nānattasaññānaṃ amanasikārā ‘ananto ākāso’ti ākāsānañcāyatanaṃ upasampajja viharati.   The perception of luminou s form that they had previously ceases.  Tassa yā purimā rūpa-saññā , sā nirujjhati.   frankk comment:  That 'luminous' is not in the pali. Normally, as far as I know, in that standard formula for base of infinite space, B. Sujato just translates 'rupa' as 'form'. Here, he inserts a spurious 'luminous', purely based on his own wrong interpretation of the 4 jhanas. Here is a detailed analysis, pali and english audit, glossing the keywords

PTS page #, agama parallel lookup tool added to lucid24.og

 ( 7sb☀️ )    0👂☸     1🐘     2💭🕵️     3🏹     4😁     5🌊     6🌄     7🛆👁   37bp🕊️‍      STED      UPED📚      Gls🕮     (The Raft) 🚣‍      misc.      AN‍     DN‍     KN‍     MN‍     SN‍     pts?         Vin‍     🎙️audtip🔊‍  ☸ Lucid  🐘🐾‍ Samādhi, sati, should be active all the time, 24/7. There is no off switch, no vacation. 4nt ☸ 8aam should be on your mind. Always. If you're conscious, you should be lucid. If you're asleep and dreaming, hijack your way into a lucid dream. During waking hours, wake up and smell the Dukkha. See things as they actually are (yathā-bhūtaṃ). That's lucidity.