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Tomb ⚱️ of the unknown EBT (sutta method) Warriors

Homage to all the incomparable heroes from the 3 time periods,
who fought to defend the integrity of the EBT (early buddhist teachings),
bravely fighting against heretics within and without,
courageously standing up to the orthodox whenever they dared to assert the precedence of heterodox ideas over the EBT.

History doesn't remember your names,
but those who study the EBT carefully see the evidence and results of your victorious battles,
shining like a beacon,
brighter than the 7 suns of the 7 Buddha Wings of Dharma,
guiding those of us born thousands of years after the Blessed One's pari Nirvana,
like a bolt of lighting shooting down our spine imbuing us with confidence and conviction,
that the true Dhamma is still alive, still potent.

That confidence sets off a chain reaction of thought (vitakka) and investigation (dhamma-vicaya, vicāra, vimamsa) that triggers an explosion of altruistic joy that pervades and suffuses all the bodies (rūpa kāya) of the beings in the universe with rapture and pleasure (bliss of 4 jhānas).

Homage to you, unknown EBT (sutta method) Warriors!
Heroes with no name, yet I frequently recite your glorious holy names for inspiration and strength.
Vaya Dhamma sankhara, said the Blessed one.
Even the True Dhamma must also die one day.
But not today, and not in my lifetime, this I swear.

Hear me, all EBT warriors of the present and future,
we must do our part to keep the true Dhamma alive.
Don't let it die on your watch.
The Dhamma has survived for 2500 years, may it survive  THRIVE and prosper for 2500 more.


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