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Showing posts from August, 2023

Ajahn Brahm body scan meditation, he calls it "the Delight of relaxation", the Buddha calls it "four jhānas"

  1 hour 24 min. video Dhamma talk Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 3 December 2022 Ajahn Brahm calls his body scan meditation "the Delight of relaxation" 35:49 so I've now relaxed my whole body from head to toe 35:58 and I experience it there's a unit one thing all together my 36:05 body or rather the body that bears my name 36:13 and if it's anything else it needs I will grant it that attention and care 36:25 and now it starts to come the beautiful sense of peace 36:31 what I call the Delight of relaxation The Buddha calls Ajahn Brahm's "body scan meditation",  the four jhānas' - First jhāna Paį¹­hamajhāna First jhāna so The monk is (STED 1st Jhāna) šŸš«šŸ’‘ vivicc’eva kāmehi Judiciously-secluded from sensuality, šŸš«šŸ˜  vivicca a-kusalehi dhammehi Judiciously-secluded from unskillful ☸Dharmas, (V&VšŸ’­) sa-vitakkaį¹ƒ sa-vicāraį¹ƒ with directed-thought and evaluation [of those verbal

2019 frankk shows how KN Pe supports correct EBT interpretation of vitakka, 2023 Sujato continues to misinterpret KN Pe

  Frankk wrote this 4 years ago: Wednesday, September 18, 2019 Comparison of Vism. and KN Pe confirms the crimes of Vism. in redefining Jhāna in 2023, august 22,  Sujato continues to misinterpret KN Pe : sujato Bhante 7d  DhammaEnthusiast: However, vitakka and vicara are also used in the first jhana, so he did not stop them as you stated. The point of the sutta is to show that  even wholesome thinking  is an obstruction to jhana.  DhammaEnthusiast: immersed his mind internally, then proceeded with the wholesome thoughts I know you’re just trying to understand the suttas, but ask yourself. Do you imagine that the sages of course renounced everything, leaving behind kingdoms and families to live in a cave in the mountains just so they could … sit and think? That this would be a state the Buddha would compare to Nibbana, and call it the “higher mind”? To stop thinking is trivial. It’s not a sign of a deep meditation.

differentiating physical from mental happiness, do pīti and sukha have both components? I choose to treat the sutta usage of pÄ«ti as always mental joy, and sukha (when in context with pÄ«ti or jhāna) will be referring to physical pleasure. Because there are several times when the Buddha qualifies pÄ«ti with manassa (mind), and sukha with kāya (body). But I'm not aware of there ever being pÄ«ti described with kāyika (bodily). Sukha on the other hand, in a context where we don't know if it's jhāna, sukha = sukha vedana, and sukha vedana = sukha indriya (physical) + so-manassa (mental joy), from SN 48.37. example 1 mental joy causes physical symptoms of joy  From real experience with physical and mental happiness, we all know one tends to cause the other to immediatley follow. For example, you feel affection, joy from getting something you want, it starts with mentally originated joy, but immediatley your body responds with warm fuzzies, goose bumps, tingling, pleasant surges

sleep paralysis, terrifying hallucinatios, ghosts, chills

sarah asked: I have had sleep paralysis for very long time. Sleep paralysis usually occurs when one is about to fall asleep or when one is about to wake up, during the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep. During a sleep paralysis attack, one will experience temporary paralysis during which one is unable to move or speak. The paralysis may last usually few minutes. While one is paralysed, the individual might also perceive terrifying hallucinations that are made worse with the inability to move or speak. mines were skull floating in the air with fire surrounding it, I also had once been biten my shoulders strongly with black scary animal where I could see his legs on my shoulder.I have also had seen images of certain unknown animal figure face when I closed my eyes and suddenly had sleep paralysis.I usually don't hallucinate instead I experience strong pressure through out my head and some strong sounds throughout the sleep paralysis episodes I dealt. frankk response: h

sujato translation error AN 6.72

Where I highlighted 'skilled', it should be "NOT skilled"   AN 6.72: Balasutta—Bhikkhu Sujato (   What six? Katamehi   chahi? It’s when a mendicant is not skilled in entering immersion, skilled in remaining in immersion, or skilled in emerging from immersion. And they don’t practice carefully and persistently, and they don’t do what’s suitable. Idha,   bhikkhave,   bhikkhu   na   samādhissa   samāpattikusalo   hoti,   na   samādhissa   į¹­hitikusalo   hoti,   na   samādhissa   vuį¹­į¹­hānakusalo   hoti,   asakkaccakārÄ«   ca   hoti,   asātaccakārÄ«   ca,   asappāyakārÄ«   ca. A mendicant who has these six qualities can’t attain strength in immersion. Imehi   kho,   bhikkhave,   chahi   dhammehi   samannāgato   bhikkhu :  Tracking other errors here: :  B. Sujato translation error s Bodhi's translation for comparison, reformatted neatly so errors are easy to spot 6.72 – AN 6.72 (8) Strength “Bhikkhus, possessing six qualities a bhikkhu is incapable of a