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Ajahn Brahmali interpretation of disembodied jhāna: Bald faced lie, willful ignorance due to confirmation bias, or gross incompetence?


Brahmali's comments in bold underlined


>>Apart from those in the Aj Brahm school of thought and those who go by the Visuddhimagga’s idea of jhana, I don’t know of anyone who accepts that plural definition kama in Margaret Cone’s dictionary.

What about the entire Pali commentarial tradition?

>>It’s freedom from sensual pleasures, not the 5 senses.

The five senses are interesting only in so far as they provide pleasure. 

Freedom from sensual pleasure means freedom from the five senses. 

These things are given up together.

Frankk comments

A bald-faced lie is one that is obvious, unambiguous, and readily apparent—like the visage of a person unobscured by facial hair.

How Vism. glosses kāmehi in first jhāna here

Kāmadhātusamatikkamanato hi kāmarāgapaṭipakkhato ca idaṃ jhānaṃ kāmānameva nissaraṇaṃ.
for this jhāna is the escape from sense desires since it surmounts the sense-desire element and since it is incompatible with greed for sense desires,
Yathāha, "kāmānametaṃ nissaraṇaṃ yadidaṃ nekkhamma"nti (dī. ni. 3.353).
according as it is said: “The escape from sense desires is this, that is to say, renunciation” (D III 275).

Vism. goes on to elaborate on other additonal aspects of kāma, but they never contradict the quote above which agrees with EBT sutta that kāma is referring to greed for sensual desires. 

Does Brahmali care to explain how you can experience sukha (pleasure) with skin, flesh blood from a physical body when supposedly "seclusion from kāma" means your mind has already been divorced from the body?

Abhidhamma gloss of first jhāna says

4👑☸ → Tv Ab Vb → 12 Jhāna-vibhaṅga
“Vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehī”ti tattha katame kāmā? Chando kāmo, rāgo kāmo, chandarāgo kāmo, saṅkappo kāmo, rāgo kāmo, saṅkapparāgo kāmo— ime vuccanti “kāmā”.
“Aloof from sense pleasures, aloof from unskilful dhammas” means: Therein what are sense pleasures? Wish is sense pleasure, lust is sense pleasure, lustful wish is sense pleasure, thought is sense pleasure, lust is sense pleasure, lustful thought is sense pleasure. These are called sense pleasures.


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