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Showing posts from October, 2023

Violent shaking during meditation

  Re: Violent shaking during meditation Edit Delete Report Quote Post   by  frank k  »  Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:53 pm Akashad  wrote:  ↑ Tue Oct 24, 2023 7:13 am Hi all, Anyone knows why there is violent shaking during meditation.I've been staying with the Breath for 2 days off the cushion 24/7 + 1-2 hour sitting meditation and my body is violently shaking to the point where I had to stop meditating.Its almost like Parkinsons involuntary tremblings.I thought maybe I am just in a bad angle but I noticed even with a straight posture it starts trembling from within in waves then just violent waves all over my's too much.Like an earthquake.I have experienced this before but stopped meditating for awhile and now that I picked it up again the strong vibrations are shaking me. Anyone has any theory or idea why? I don't shake in my normal day to day life only when I am meditating. Thank you. This is jhāna constipation, perfectly normal.

who gets reborn in the staff of torturers in hell?

Question  Posted by u/lucid24-frankk 20 hours ago Serious question. What exactly is the nature of the staff of workers (not just ones who torture) that keep hell running smoothly? Are they mentally created non-sentient beings that do the torture, or are the staff members of hell sentient beings that are reborn there to serve for a period of time? If latter is the case, is it considered good karma, bad karma, or neutral karma to be reborn there? I can imagine some beings who are hell bent on revenge (pun intended), would not mind being reborn in hell as a staff member to finally get payback on some being who they were wronged by. Especially if they could resolve the length of time they wish to be serve there. Do hell staff members experience suffering? Are they forced to work continuously? Along the same line of questioning, what is the nature of second class beings reborn in deva realms? For example the service animals, The royal elephants, horses, etc.? What kind of karma results in

handy link to correct mikenz spam botting jhāna information

  Re: Absorption Jhana vs. Aware Jhana Edit Delete Report Quote Post   by  frank k  »  Wed Oct 18, 2023 2:38 am mikenz66  wrote:  ↑ Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:55 am Hi Emptyset, This is a frequently-argued question and it is unfortunate that is is sometimes expressed as "sutta vs visuddhimagga". Several discussions of how "absorbed" the jhana that the Buddha taught, based on early texts, are linked by Ven Dhammanando's post here: viewtopic.php?p=560317#p560317 See also Bhikkhu Analayo: "A Brief History of Buddhist Absorption", Mindfulness, 2020, 11.3: 571–586.  https://www.buddhismuskunde.uni-hamburg ... yjhana.pdf Mike Deja Vu. Mike, are you a real person, or an AI bot spamming fake news/misinformation on jhāna whenever the topic comes up? We've had this exact same discussion many times now. I've shown in detail how Analayo's understanding of jhāna in his book you quoted is based on fallacious reasoning here:

crime of omission: 6 year old boy who shot elementary school teacher, whistleblower to tried to warn principal at least twice was ignored

  She confronted a 6-year-old seconds after he shot his teacher In an interview with the Washington Post, Amy Kovac describes for the first time holding the child after he shot and wounded his first-grade teacher By Justin Jouvenal August 9, 2023 at 7:01 p.m. EDT Amy Kovac was approaching Abigail Zwerner’s first-grade classroom at Virginia’s Richneck Elementary School the moment a 6-year-old student pulled out a gun. The reading specialist said in an interview with The Washington Post that she heard the blast from the hallway and thought:  “Oh my God.”  Suddenly, the door to Zwerner’s classroom burst open and panicked students ran out. Zwerner, who had been shot through the hand and in her shoulder and was bleeding badly, followed. Kovac, 54, said instinct kicked in.  She went into the classroom.  She said the boy looked proud. “I did it,” Kovac said the boy told her.  “I shot the b---- dead.

What's on your nirvana bucket list?   What's on your nirvana bucket list? Question Before you become an arahant, attain final nirvana, what are some things you would like to do? #1 on my list, I'd like to converse with the Brahmas of the nonreturner realm (I don't want to be reborn there! Too long of a lifespan) and ask them some question about Dhamma and kamma, since they have such a long life span (hundreds of aeons) many of the residents have seen many Buddhas come and go. a. What was the defining event(s) that ended each Buddha's dispensation? b. Since the Brahmas of the nonreturner realm have a such long lifespan, they have much deeper direct seeing of the effects of kamma. Just as rich white collar criminals who commit nonviolent crimes but harm millions of people seem to escape punishment in this life but surely must suffer some negative consequence, what happened to Buddhist monastics who corrupted the Dhamma kno

🔗📝notes on right action, sammā kammanto

  I like this image in particular compared to the other similar ones that follow, because cows are more prominent here (which people usually view and consume as "beef"), and it includes a pet cat, hopefully sharp people will reflect on why many people consider the eating of cats and dogs barbaric, but somehow eating cows and chickens is civilized? I asked for the artists to draw a "person" hugging certain farm animals, and all the samples they produced looked like a woman. I had to specifically ask for a man hugging animals to get this one. Don't men get to be kind of compassionate also? external how does right action, right speech, precepts and vinaya account for crimes of omission?

how does right action, right speech, precepts and vinaya account for crimes of omission?

crimes of commission = doing wrong actions such as lying, killing, etc. The standard definitions of right action and right speech have this covered. But what about crimes of omission? Crimes of omission are crimes that happen as a result of one deliberately not performing an action that would prevent the crime from happening. For example, by deliberately not telling people something you know to be true, as a direct result they are harmed, tortured, or killed. A text book legal example of crime of omission: if one walks past a car collision and can see that both parties are severely injured, yet makes no attempt to help nor call emergency services. This failure to act could be seriously damaging to the lives of others and may even be fatal. Most Buddhists tend to think by abstaining from any action (not just abstaining from wrong actions), they automatically keep precepts purely. how does right action, right speech, precepts and vinaya account for crimes of omission? I don't know t