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AN 6.10 the 6 cardinal recollections: versions to memorize for chanting

AN 6.10 know at least the first 3 of 6 topics. 
#1 is already built in saddha-indriya of 5ind. 
Dhamma and Sangha anussati are closely related. 
All 6 topics feed into the 7sb samadhi engine of SN 46.3 

Version 1

‘iti-pi so bhagavā
'Thus-indeed, he, the-Blessed-one,
arahaṃ sammā-sambuddho
(an) Arahant, properly-awakened,
su-gato loka-vidū
well-gone, world-knower,
an-uttaro purisa-damma-sārathi
un-surpassed man-training-leader,
satthā deva-manussānaṃ
teacher (of) devas-(and)-humans,
buddho bhagavā’ti —
(the) awakened-one, the-blessed-one -
‘sv-ākkhāto bhagavatā dhammo
‘well-expounded (by the) Blessed-one (is the) Dhamma,
Viewable, [realizable in this very life]
Time-less, [immediately effective]
Come-here-and-see [for yourself],
Leads-to [nirvana],
For themselves,
veditabbo viññūhī’ti.
Can-be-experienced (by the) wise.’
‘sup-paṭipanno bhagavato sāvaka-saṅgho,
(the) good-way-of-practice; the-Blessed-one’s sangha-of-disciples [does that],
ujup-paṭipanno bhagavato sāvaka-saṅgho,
(the) straight-way-of-practice; the-Blessed-one’s sangha-of-disciples [does that],
Ñāyap-paṭipanno bhagavato sāvaka-saṅgho,
(the) methodical-way-of-practice; the-Blessed-one’s sangha-of-disciples [does that],
sāmīcip-paṭipanno bhagavato sāvaka-saṅgho,
(the) proper-way-of-practice; the-Blessed-one’s sangha-of-disciples [does that],
yadidaṃ cattāri purisa-yugāni
that is, (the) four pairs-of-men,
aṭṭha purisa-puggalā
(the) eight men-&-individuals,
esa bhagavato sāvaka-saṅgho
this (is the) blessed-one’s sangha-of-disciples,
worthy of offerings dedicated to the gods,
worthy of hospitality,
worthy of a teacher’s offering,
worthy of greeting with joined palms,
an-uttaraṃ puñña-k-khettaṃ lokassā’ti.
(it is an) un-excelled merit-field (for the) world.

(mentally note all 6 recollections temporarily suspend the 3 poisons, 5 hindrances, and easily induce rapture and pleasure right into right samadhi)

Version 2

(contains version 1, plus these 3 recollections)
Puna caparaṃ, mahānāma, ariyasāvako attano sīlāni anussarati
Furthermore, a noble disciple recollects their own ethical conduct,
akhaṇḍāni acchiddāni
which is uncorrupted, unflawed,
asabalāni akammāsāni
unblemished, untainted,
bhujissāni viññuppasatthāni
liberating, praised by sensible people,
not mistaken,
{and leading to} -- undistractable-lucidity

Puna caparaṃ, mahānāma, ariyasāvako attano cāgaṃ anussarati:
Furthermore, a noble disciple recollects their own generosity:
‘lābhā vata me, suladdhaṃ vata me.
‘I’m so fortunate, so very fortunate!
Yohaṃ macchera-mala-pariyuṭṭhitāya pajāya
Among people full of the stain of stinginess
vigata-mala-maccherena cetasā agāraṃ ajjhāvasāmi
I live at home rid of stinginess,
mutta-cāgo payatapāṇi
freely generous, open-handed,
vosagga-rato yāca-yogo
letting go; – (that he) relishes, charity; – (to that he is) committed,
to give – and to share –; (that he) relishes.’

Puna caparaṃ, mahānāma, ariyasāvako devatā-nus-satiṃ bhāveti:
Furthermore, a noble disciple recollects the deities:
‘santi devā cātu-mahā-rājikā,
‘There are the Gods of the Four Great Kings,
santi devā tāvatiṃsā,
the Gods of the Thirty-Three,
santi devā yāmā,
the Gods of Yama,
santi devā tusitā,
the Joyful Gods,
santi devā nimmānaratino,
the Gods Who Love to Create,
santi devā paranimmitavasavattino,
the Gods Who Control the Creations of Others,
santi devā brahma-kāyikā,
the Gods of Brahmā’s Group,
santi devā tatuttari.
and gods even higher than these.

(these qualities led to their rebirth as devas)

Yathārūpāya saddhāya samannāgatā tā devatā
Because (of) conviction possessed (by) those deities,
ito cutā tattha upapannā,
when they passed away from here they were reborn {there},
mayhampi tathārūpā saddhā saṃvijjati.
for me-as-well, such conviction (is) found (in me).
Yathārūpena sīlena samannāgatā tā devatā
Because (of) ethical-conduct possessed (by) those deities,
ito cutā tattha upapannā,
when they passed away from here they were reborn {there},
mayhampi tathārūpaṃ sīlaṃ saṃvijjati.
for me-as-well, such ethical-conduct (is) found (in me).
Yathārūpena sutena samannāgatā tā devatā
Because (of) learning possessed (by) those deities,
ito cutā tattha upapannā,
when they passed away from here they were reborn {there},
mayhampi tathārūpaṃ sutaṃ saṃvijjati.
for me-as-well, such learning (is) found (in me).
Yathārūpena cāgena samannāgatā tā devatā
Because (of) generosity possessed (by) those deities,
ito cutā tattha upapannā,
when they passed away from here they were reborn {there},
mayhampi tathārūpo cāgo saṃvijjati.
for me-as-well, such generosity (is) found (in me).
Yathārūpāya paññāya samannāgatā tā devatā
Because (of) discernment possessed (by) those deities,
ito cutā tattha upapannā,
when they passed away from here they were reborn {there},
mayhampi tathārūpā paññā saṃvijjatī’ti.
for me-as-well, such discernment (is) found (in me).

(mentally note each recollection feeds 7sb samadhi engine)

Version 3

Building on V1 and V2,
memorize the 7sb awakening sequence refrain that follows each of the 6 recollections:

(showing just the #1 buddha anussati version, the rest have the highlighted words slightly different for the respective 6)

(7sb+ derived awakening factor sequence)

(7sb → 1. 🐘) Yasmiṃ, mahānāma, samaye ariyasāvako tathāgataṃ anussarati
(7sb → 1. 🐘) When a noble disciple recollects the Realized One
nevassa tasmiṃ samaye
at that time
rāga-pariyuṭṭhitaṃ cittaṃ hoti,
their mind is not full of greed,
na dosa-pariyuṭṭhitaṃ cittaṃ hoti,
their mind is not full of hate,
na moha-pariyuṭṭhitaṃ cittaṃ hoti;
their mind is not full of delusion;
ujugata-me-vassa tasmiṃ samaye cittaṃ hoti
At that time their mind is unswerving,
tathāgataṃ ārabbha.
based on the Realized One.
(7sb → 2. 💭) Ujugata-citto kho pana, mahānāma, ariya-sāvako
(7sb → 2. 💭) (of) unswerving-mind, ***, (a) noble-one’s-disciple
labhati attha-vedaṃ,
obtains {experience of inspiration, awe, and joy in} – meaning,
labhati dhamma-vedaṃ,
obtains {experience of inspiration, awe, and joy in} – Dhamma-[teachings],
labhati dhamm-ūpasaṃhitaṃ pā-mojjaṃ.
obtains Dhamma-connected virtuous-mirth.
(7sb → 4. 😁) pa-muditassa pīti jāyati,
(7sb → 4. 😁) (For one with) virtuous-mirth rapture (is) born.
(7sb → 5. 🌊) pīti-manassa kāyo passambhati,
(7sb → 5. 🌊) (with) en-raptured-mind (the) body (is) pacified.
(7sb → 5.5 🙂) passaddha-kāyo sukhaṃ vedeti,
(7sb → 5.5 🙂) (with) pacified-body, {they experience} pleasure.
(7sb → 6. 🌄) sukhino cittaṃ samādhiyati.
(7sb → 6. 🌄) (For one in) pleasure, (the) mind becomes undistractible-&-lucid.
Ayaṃ vuccati, mahānāma:
This is called
‘ariya-sāvako visamagatāya pajāya samap-patto viharati,
a noble disciple who lives in balance among people who are unbalanced,
Sa-byāpajjāya pajāya a-byāpajjo viharati,
and lives untroubled among people who are troubled.
Dhamma-sotaṃ samāpanno
They’ve entered the stream of the teaching
buddhā-nus-satiṃ bhāveti’. (1)
and develop the recollection of the Buddha.

Version 4

chant the 6 recollections, and at least one repetition of the full 7sb sequence

Version 5

The full sutta

AN 6.10


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