MN 21 Kakacū-’pama: Saw simile

MN 21.1 – (monk Phagguna mixing with nuns too often)
MN 21.1.5 – (if nuns criticized → give up desire and thoughts of lay life)
MN 21.1.6 – (if nuns criticized → unaffected, no bad speech, karuṇa + metta, no secret hate)
MN 21.1.7 – (if nuns assaulted → give up desire and thoughts of lay life)
MN 21.1.8 – (if nuns assaulted → unaffected, no bad speech, karuṇa + metta, no secret hate)
MN 21.1.9 – (if you are criticized → give up desire and thoughts of lay life)
MN 21.1.10 – (if you are criticized → unaffected, no bad speech, karuṇa + metta, no secret hate)
MN 21.1.11 – (if you are assaulted → give up desire and thoughts of lay life)
MN 21.1.12 – (if you are assaulted → unaffected, no bad speech, karuṇa + metta, no secret hate)
MN 21.2 – (Buddha used to be satisfied with monks)
MN 21.2.1 – (eat in one session per day for good health)
MN 21.2.2 – (Buddha just prompted their rememberfulness, didn’t need to keep reminding them)
MN – (rememberfulness ↔ simile of expert chariot driver)
MN 21.2.3 – (do right effort, give up unskillful and develop skillful)
MN – (right effort ↔ simile of removing weeds to nurture sal grove)
MN 21.3 - (story of maid testing housewife with reputation of sweet temper)
MN 21.3.2 – (test 1: maid gets up later than normal → housewife has angry words)
MN 21.3.3 – (test 2: maid gets up even later → housewife assaults maid)
MN 21.3.4 – (housewife getṣ new reputation of being fierce and foul tempered)
MN 21.4 – (sweet tempered monk ↔ fierce angry housewife)
MN 21.4.1 – (monk not considered easy to admonish if they have ulterior motive for food, requisites)
MN 21.4.2 – (monk considered easy to admonish if their motive is respect for The Dharma)
MN 21.4.5 - (5 types of critical speech: timely, true, gentle, beneficial, metta – or 5 opposites)
MN – (if monk is criticized → unaffected, no bad speech, karuṇa + metta, no secret hate)
MN – (then pervade critic with mind of metta)
MN – (using that critic as basis, pervade entire world with metta via STED 4bv formula)
MN 21.5 - (simile of bucket collecting all of earth)
MN 21.5.5 - (5 types of critical speech: timely, true, gentle, beneficial, metta – or 5 opposites)
MN – (if monk is criticized → unaffected, no bad speech, karuṇa + metta, no secret hate)
MN – (then pervade critic with mind of metta)
MN – (using that critic as basis, pervade entire world with metta via STED 4bv formula)
MN 21.6 - (simile of painting the sky)
MN 21.6.5 - (5 types of critical speech: timely, true, gentle, beneficial, metta – or 5 opposites)
MN – (if monk is criticized → unaffected, no bad speech, karuṇa + metta, no secret hate)
MN – (then pervade critic with mind of metta)
MN – (using that critic as basis, pervade entire world with metta via STED 4bv formula)
MN 21.7 - (simile of torching ganges river)
MN 21.7.5 - (5 types of critical speech: timely, true, gentle, beneficial, metta – or 5 opposites)
MN – (if monk is criticized → unaffected, no bad speech, karuṇa + metta, no secret hate)
MN – (then pervade critic with mind of metta)
MN – (using that critic as basis, pervade entire world with metta via STED 4bv formula)
MN 21.8 - (simile of catskin bag)
MN 21.8.5 - (5 types of critical speech: timely, true, gentle, beneficial, metta – or 5 opposites)
MN – (if monk is criticized → unaffected, no bad speech, karuṇa + metta, no secret hate)
MN – (then pervade critic with mind of metta)
MN – (using that critic as basis, pervade entire world with metta via STED 4bv formula)
MN 21.9 - (simile of saw – even if killer bandits saw off your limbs)
MN 21.9.5 – (even having a malevolent thought in reaction is not following Buddha’s teaching)
MN – (if monk is assaulted or maimed → unaffected, no bad speech, karuṇa + metta, no secret hate)
MN – (then pervade killer with mind of metta)
MN – (using that killer as basis, pervade entire world with metta via STED 4bv formula)
MN 21.10 – (conclusion: you should frequently reflect on simile of saw)
what kind of thoughts?
In MN 21, for all 4 permutations of
monks criticize nuns
monks physically assault nuns
monks criticize you (phagguna the monk)
monks physically assault you,
the first instruction says to give up desire and thoughts of lay life.
What does that mean?
I saw in Sujato's footnotes
that phagguna disrobed in SN 12
Was this instruction to only phagguna for some specific issue with him constantly wanting to disrobe?
I had always assumed these were general instructions for all monastics (to give up desire and thoughts of lay life),
but I can't figure out what it means in these 4 permutations.
If someone is verbally or physically assaulting you,
what kind of lay life thoughts would you be thinking?
"I'd sure like to eat some delicious chocolate cake right now instead of getting criticized and beaten to death?"
"Buddhist monks sure are mean, I think I should disrobe?"
"Those monks are mean to the nuns, I want to disrobe with one of the nuns and marry her?"
"if I disrobe, I will no longer be bound by vinaya rules and I can retaliate to these attacks with physical force?"
Tasmātiha, phagguna, tava cepi
koci sammukhā tāsaṃ bhikkhunīnaṃ pāṇinā pahāraṃ dadeyya, leḍḍunā pahāraṃ
dadeyya, daṇḍena pahāraṃ dadeyya, satthena pahāraṃ dadeyya. Tatrāpi
tvaṃ, phagguna, ye gehasitā chandā ye gehasitā vitakkā te pajaheyyāsi. |
So even if someone strikes those nuns with fists, stones, rods, and swords in your presence, you should give up any desires or thoughts of the lay life. |
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