All courteous inquiries and questions will be answered, time permitting.
If I don't respond to a comment or question of yours, it's for one of the following reasons:
* That forum software has a poor or nonexistent notification system so I'm not even aware someone added a new comment or response to a message thread
* TL;DNR (too long; did not read): A discussion thread too long, too dense, no time to read through.
* The question requires too long of an answer and I don't have time to respond. If I know for sure I don't have time or interest in responding, I'll respond promptly to let you know that. If you never hear from me, it's because either I intended to respond and postponed and then forgot about it, or I never saw your comment.
* The question comes from someone with a long track record of being discourteous, dishonorable, disingenuous in discussions. If I ignore someone intentionally, you can be sure that I've already given them at least three chances, and no more time will be wasted on my end. That said, if someone is sincere in asking forgiveness and understanding their transgressions and ceasing wrong behavior, then that's the ideal scenario and I'm happy to start friendship anew.
* If you think a time wasting troll asked a legitimate Dharma question and feel that I should respond, contact me on the link below or ask the question again in the discussion thread under your name so I see the question.
* When it comes to protecting the true Dharma, I'll never turn down a legitimate question. If I don't know, I'll say right away I don't know. If I need time to research, I'll say I need time. If I've already answered the question previously, I'll provide a link.
The best way to contact me is here
Form letter reusable response templates
This means you have a go out of your way to click a button to even see their message (which is normally hidden from view).
I'm responding to this message because someone anonymously notified me that this post contained a useful question worth addressing.
This form letter preface is to encourage best practices and civil discourse on forums, and discourage trolls from attempting to engage (they are still on the ignore list).
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