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Jhāna Blocked by LBT Chauvinism, grooming the gullible


Jhāna Blocked by LBT Chauvinism, grooming the gullible

LBT = Late Buddhist Texts/Teachings

Chronologically, anything that comes after EBT is LBT.
The problem is that often, LBT will introduce new teachings that aren't in the EBT, or much worse, redefine EBT teachings so that the LBT version contradicts the original EBT meaning and causes mass confusion for modern Buddhists. An example of this, is Visuddhi-magga's redefinition of jhāna VRJ🐍. EBT jhāna and VRJ "jhāna" are drastically different meditation systems.


is the irrational belief in the superiority or dominance of one's own group or people, who are seen as strong and virtuous, while others are considered weak or unworthy. It can be described as a form of extreme patriotism and nationalism, a fervent faith in national excellence and glory.


    easily persuaded to believe something; credulous.

    "an attempt to persuade a gullible public to spend their money"

gullible and lacking discernment:

"The faithful but gullible Theravada followers trusted their teachers without question, turning a blind eye to the heretical contradictions that resulted from using their teachers' redefined LBT meditation terms. Lacking discernment, they willfully ignored the fact this redefinition rendered the EBT early scriptures incoherent and nonsensical."


Developing a relationship with the victims in such a way to make them amenable to manipulation and control later, usually in an exploitive way that harms the victims physically and or mentally.

How to unblock jhāna and escape the cycle of abuse

(link to this article): 🔗Jhāna Blocked by LBT Chauvinism, grooming the gullible: How to recognize their tactics, escape, and rebuild a better practice.

understand what LBT chauvinism is, and call out bad behavior when you see it.  Calling it out in public may be advisable if it builds awareness and serves a greater purpose, and not done to intentionally humiliate particular individuals for humiliations' sake.

For example, 
jhāna-lite‍: Pejorative, derogatory characterization of EBT jhāna practitioners.
You wouldn't use that term for the same reason that Mahayanists who call EBT followers Hinayana is highly frowned upon, highly offensive. Don't use the terms Hinayana or Jhana Lite unless you want people to think you're a bigot.

understand that The Buddha's definition and description of jhāna meditation in the EBT is very different than Ajahn Brahm's teaching of  Jabrama🤡-jhana, which is essentially a close relative of (VRJ🐍) (V)isuddhi-magga (Re)-definition of (J)hana devoid of underlying Abhidhamma theory.

1. understand what chauvinism is, and don't fall for it. Ask teachers who claim VRJ and jabrama-jhana is what the suttas teach, ask them to show proof, and to explain the contradictions and incoherence.

(this article is a work in progress...)

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