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Frank, as advertised

Let's talk about me. Not. 

I don't like talking about myself or sharing details about my personal life. 

I don't like parties, even if they're populated with 100% high quality people discussing important issues.

I'm not interested in converting anyone or convincing them of anything. If it seems that I do, it's only because I express enthusiasm about issues important to me. The reason I'm not interested in converting anyone is because I know it has no long term impact; it's almost always a vain and futile waste of time. True conversion has to come from within, truth has to be seen for oneself. Others may point the way or open up a new perspective, that's all. 

I'd be perfectly happy to spend the rest of my life as an anonymous hermit with no name, no friends, no history, no attachments. 

If I share some personal detail, it's only because it has some strategic value, some people may benefit. For example, learning from and not repeating stupid things I've done in my life. 

So if you invite me to a party, and try to engage me in conversation to get to know me, don't be surprised if I take your phone, pull up a browser and point to this page with this document you're reading right now, say, "read this", then walk away and enjoy silence and solitude. 

Now you know why I'm writing an essay about myself when I paradoxically claim I don't like to talk about myself. It's strategic and time saving. You get to know my character so I don't have to waste valuable time and energy speaking to explain why I prefer being a silent hermit. That's efficiency. Do it once, and then not have to ever do it again, ideally. 

My idea of ideal fun social activity: Meditating with other yogis on long retreats in silence, spending maybe one day every month or every two weeks to discuss Dharma, the rest of the time silent cooperation in doing necessary group chores and noble silence. 

Frank, as advertised

What a fortuitous and convenient name. Hello, I am Frank. Truly. That's about all you need to know. If you're expecting the usual white lies used in casual conversation as a social lubricant, to make each other feel good, you've come to the wrong place. Don't ask me what I really think about something unless you really want to know. 

If I'm being serious, and I'm in serious mode most of the time, I say what I mean and I mean what I say. 

I don't throw praise around lightly, so if I say something is really good, consider it. 

If I strongly criticize something, you better believe I did some deep digging and research. I stand behind my words and can back it up with a ton of evidence.

My tombstone would not say, "Here lies Frank", because I'm Frank and I don't lie. It will just say, "Frank. Yes he was." But if I have a say in a matter, I recommend burial after death by natural composting, like this: Least environmental impact, great  way to replenish the earth with nutrients. Plant a mango tree on top of my composting carcass. You're going to get some delicious fruit. But the best way to go out, is to do it completely on your own terms, leaving nothing behind, no need to trouble anyone to clean up anything,  like Ven. Dabba in KN Ud 8.9 . 

(to be continued)


who can you trust?


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