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4bv☮️ Bank🏦: Bank of Brahma viharas - inspiring stories, videos to power your practice of metta and 4bv

How to do metta and 4bv

part 2 from previous article:

Ideally, you don't need to look at videos and pictures or relying on external resources to inspire your metta and 4bv meditation.

But what I've found in practice, is they're really powerful, for many reasons.
One big reason, is modelling. When you see metta being done authentically, organically, simply, it's contagious. Just like yawning, or having a boss who's a jerk. Negative energy can then spread like a virus throughout the organization. Conversely, seeing someone smile, seeing someone (or animal) being kind and virtuous, arouses sympathy, empathy, virtuous joy in ourselves and a desire to emulate that behavior. Good behavior and virtue also can become contagious and viral. 

That's modelling.

Another fascinating point. As you watch some of the videos with metta being modelled by various beings, and you're struck with joy, that's mudita the 3rd brahmavihara. Mental joy and gladness from seeing virtue and action and it's positive results. Mudita, contrary to Vism. propaganda, is not about being non jealous of others' joy. At least, it's not the primary or secondary purpose. Non jealousy is great, but it's not the main point. Most important point of Buddhist mudita, is to learn to cultivate joy at seeing virtue being performed, in oneself, and others.

So to reiterate, the previous paragraph may not have been completely clear, while you may watch some of these videos thinking it's mostly about metta (friendliness, kindness, being a good neighbor), you're also developing mudita, understanding the causes of virtue and what results it produces.  

Curated and sorted collection from

4👑☸ → STED →  4bv☮️ 

4bv☮️ Bank🏦: collection of true stories to fuel your 4bv practice. 

Miscellaneous videos, articles, not yet included in official collection above:

🔗misc. unsorted collection (links to this blog article)

youtube 3m, giant lizard affectionate and follows commands like dogs

3 min. video, squirrel returns to rescue momgreat modeling of metta, especially how he relates with the other animals in the household

3min vid and article, cow asks man for help rescuing calf

30sec, sunfish is huge alien looking, waves fin and friendly with diving tourists

5min: ron the wild rooster: wanders into couples house, makes friends with the couple and their dog, keeps coming back and makes himself into family member, plays fetch like a dog, doesn't poop all over the house, loves attention and cuddles.

3min: cat and parrot become fast friends

3min: pet dog helps injured wild parrot they become best friends: The amazing part of the story is where the friends have a fight...

3min: baby crow rescued, always stays close to rescue dad and gets along with cat.

3min: affectionate pet chicken:   Chicken raised for meat is convinced he's a dog

4min: lady reunited with chimps 18 years later: she had worked with 2 young 6 year old chimps for 4 years tirelessly, to rehabilitate them for release into reserve, after their 6 years spent cruelly experimented on in the name of science.

1.5min condor regularly visits man who saved him as a babyThe condor was nursed back to health by the man after the bird fell from his mother's nest as a baby.

And the condor clearly didn't forget his rescuer, as video footage shows the pair greeting each other with hugs and one big warm embrace, after the condor returned. After being rescued, the condor – the largest bird in North America – was then able to learn how to fly and return to normal life. It is not unusual for the condor to fly back and visit its rescuer, and according to locals the bird is said to return to visit the man fairly frequently.


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