8 abhi-bh-āyatanāni
- 8 abhi-bh-āyatana
- AN 8.65 abhibh-āyatana
- (1. Perceives internal rupa, sees external rupa limited)
- (2. Perceives internal rupa, sees external rupa measureless)
- (3. Does not perceive internal rupa, sees external rupa limited)
- (4. Does not perceive internal rupa, sees external rupa measureless)
- (5. Does not perceives internal rupa, sees external rupa blue color)
- (6. Does not perceives internal rupa, sees external rupa yellow color)
- (7. Does not perceives internal rupa, sees external rupa red color)
- (8. Does not perceives internal rupa, sees external rupa white color)
- AN 8.65 b.bodhi version with footnotes from cmy
- search results
- AN 8.65 translation by frankk
- AN 8.65 translation by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu
- AN 8.65 abhibh-āyatana
- Other suttas inform us how to interpret this one
AN 8.65 SP-FLUENT translation by frankk
Monks, there are 8 ways of using the luminosity of a purified imperturbable version of fourth jhāna to transcend the 6 sense bases.
What are the 8 ways?
(1. Perceives internal rupa, sees external rupa limited)
1. With the mind sense base still connected to the other 5 sense bases, he sees external forms that are limited, beautiful, or ugly.
[he sees things such as realms of heaven and hell, and the denizens of those realms, or he sees accurate visions of his 31 body parts, or the body parts of other living beings.]
This is the first base of mastery where he knows and sees.
(2. Perceives internal rupa, sees external rupa measureless)
2. With the mind sense base still connected to the other 5 sense bases, he sees external forms that are measureless, beautiful, or ugly.
[he sees things such as realms of heaven and hell, and the denizens of those realms, or he sees accurate visions of his 31 body parts, or the body parts of other living beings.]
This is the second base of mastery where he knows and sees. The difference between the second and first, is that the term ‘measureless’ covers much greater range and power than the term ‘limited’.
(3. Does not perceive internal rupa, sees external rupa limited)
3. With the mind sense base divorced from the other 5 sense bases, usually done from sitting meditation with eyes closed, he sees external forms that are limited, beautiful, or ugly.
[he sees things such as realms of heaven and hell, and the denizens of those realms, or he sees accurate visions of his 31 body parts, or the body parts of other living beings.]
This is the third base of mastery where he knows and sees.
(4. Does not perceive internal rupa, sees external rupa measureless)
4. With the mind sense base divorced from the other 5 sense bases, usually done from sitting meditation with eyes closed, he sees external forms that are measureless, beautiful, or ugly.
[he sees things such as realms of heaven and hell, and the denizens of those realms, or he sees accurate visions of his 31 body parts, or the body parts of other living beings.]
This is the fourth base of mastery where he knows and sees. The difference between the fourth and third, is that the term ‘measureless’ covers much greater range and power than the term ‘limited’.
(5. Does not perceives internal rupa, sees external rupa blue color)
5. With the mind sense base divorced from the other 5 sense bases, he sees external forms that are blue, blue in their color, blue in their features, blue in their glow.
This is the fifth base of mastery where he knows and sees.
(6. Does not perceives internal rupa, sees external rupa yellow color)
6. With the mind sense base divorced from the other 5 sense bases, he sees forms externally as yellow, yellow in their color, yellow in their features, yellow in their glow.
This is the sixth base of mastery where he knows and sees.
(7. Does not perceives internal rupa, sees external rupa red color)
7. With the mind sense base divorced from the other 5 sense bases, sees forms externally as red, red in their color, red in their features, red in their glow.
This is the seventh base of mastery where he knows and sees.
(8. Does not perceives internal rupa, sees external rupa white color)
8. With the mind sense base divorced from the other 5 sense bases, sees forms externally as white, white in their color, white in their features, white in their glow.
This is the eighth base of mastery where he knows and sees.
Monks, these are the 8 ways of using the luminosity of a purified imperturbable version of fourth jhāna to transcend the 6 sense bases.
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