Sunday, May 26, 2024

Do you have academic credentials in Buddhism, academic credential in the Pali language, or are you a monastic?

A moderator on reddit Theravada forum asked me:

Do you have academic credentials in Buddhism, academic credential in the Pali language, or are you a monastic?

lucid24-frankk replied:


and what do those credentials have anything to do with [the original article]?

If you're a smart, discerning consumer, you should be asking,

Why are Sujato, Brahm, Sunyo remaining silent when asked reasonable questions regarding KN Pe, Vimuttimagga, etc.?

It should be fairly easy to disprove invalid claims. So why won't they comment on those texts?

After all they have those valuable credentials, let's see it put to work.


If you're old enough and savvy enough on internet forums, you'd know you can often assess someone's credentials by how they're received by experts.

There's no way real experts would let [dubious claims, or wrong views] go unchallenged.

So if you see a man with no name come riding into town, no one is messing with him, aside from some moderators unjustly censoring posts, there's probably a reason.

You should be asking why are those credentialed experts running away.

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