Thursday, May 30, 2024

suttas with explicit vipassana in jhānas (and/or formless perception attainments)

suttas with explicit vipassana while in jhānas (and/or formless perception attainments)

AN glossing S&S🐘💭 sati + sampajāno doing vipassana from 3rd and 4th jhāna formula. This is included as part of all 7 perception attainments in MN 111.
AN Taking S&S all the way to arahantship, destroying Āsavas. This is done in AN 9.36, MN 52, etc.
AN 9.34 covers similar territory to AN 9.41, except Sāriputta is giving the talk, and this seems to be emphasizing it's a common experience for meditators to expect 4 jhānas and samādhi to have impurities can interrupt one while one is in jhāna.
AN 9.36 realize nirvana while doing vipassana in 4 jhānas and seven perception attainments, or after emerging from 8th and 9th
AN 9.41 the types of subverbal impurities that can occur while one is in 4 jhānas and 9 attainments.
AN 11.16 doing vipassana while in 4 jhānas, 7 perception attainments, 4bv☮️ brahmaviharas with sampajāno/pajānāti and upekkha, become arahant or nonreturner
DN 21.0.2 Buddha in jhāna hears musician, does worldly vipassana analyzing structure of poem.
MN 52 same as AN 11.16
MN 64 same as AN 9.36 except without archer similes
MN 111 vipassana while in 4 jhānas and seven perception attainments, or after emerging from 8th and 9th
MN 121.6 doing vipassana in formless attainments
MN 121.8 doing vipassana with animitta samādhi connected to all 6 senses of body
MN 121.9 attaining arahantship while in animitta samādhi
MN 122.3.3 vipassana from animitta samādhi or 4 jhānas
MN 122.10 you should observe rise and fall of 5uk aggregates, from animitta samādhi or 4 jhānas
MN 125.3.10 4sp🐘 can do vipassana with no kāma-vitakka/thoughts of sensuality = first jhāna
SA 474.1 Ānanda while in jhāna, examine 3 types of vedana

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