Saturday, May 18, 2024

šŸ”—šŸ“notes on jhāna "lite"


SN 8.7 of 500 arahants, 60 freed both ways
“There is nothing, Sāriputta, that these five hundred monks have done by way of body or speech that I would criticize.
ImesaƱhi, sāriputta, paƱcannaį¹ bhikkhusatānaį¹ saį¹­į¹­hi bhikkhÅ« tevijjā, saį¹­į¹­hi bhikkhÅ« chaįø·abhiƱƱā, saį¹­į¹­hi bhikkhÅ« ubhatobhāgavimuttā, atha itare paƱƱāvimuttā”ti.  
For of these five hundred monks,
sixty have the three knowledges,
sixty have the six direct knowledges,
sixty are freed both ways, (has both 4 jhānas which have 5 senses active, and formless attainments)
and the rest are freed by wisdom.” (320 of 500 arahants only have 4 jhānas, no psychic powers)

external notes

MN 137 Buddha says upekkha is doing vipassana while in 3rd and 4th jhāna, and all 5 senses of body are active here
        and discussion with Ven. on jhāna "lite"

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