Wednesday, May 29, 2024

MN 121, MN 122 and the agāma parallels MA 190, MA 191, the two main suttas on suññata (emptiness) in the EBT

 I've added a massive number of links to help navigate and easily compare these two important suttas.

My philosophy is, you should be able to get to the exact section of any sutta or text, no matter how long it is, in 6 seconds or less.

Note: MA-bdk is a huge html file, about 4 MB, because it contains all 222 sutras in a single file.

4MB is not big, but it's really slow on some browsers like firefox. 

121 – MN 121 Cūḷasuññata: The Shorter Discourse on Emptiness

     MN 121.1 - (Buddha tells Ananda these days he lives in emptiness)
    MN 121.2 - (empty of people and animals)
    MN 121.3 - (singleness based on the perception of earth)
    MN 121.4 - (singleness on perception of dimension of infinite space)
    MN 121.5 - (singleness on perception of dimension of infinite consciousness)
    MN 121.6 - (singleness on perception of dimension of nothingness)
    MN 121.7 - (singleness on perception of dimension of neither perception nor non)
    MN 121.8 - (animitta samādhi connected to all 6 senses of body)
    MN 121.9 - (attaining arahantship while in animitta samādhi)
    MN 121.10 - (conclusion: all ascetics and brahmins of all times who became arahants through emptiness used the same method)

190 - MA 190 The Shorter Discourse on Emptiness


    MA-bdk 190 - MA 190 The Shorter Discourse on Emptiness
        MA-bdk 190.1 - (Buddha tells Ananda these days he lives in emptiness)
        MA-bdk 190.2 - (empty of people and animals)
        MA-bdk 190.3 - (singleness based on the perception of earth)
        MA-bdk 190.4 - (singleness on perception of dimension of infinite space)
        MA-bdk 190.5 - (singleness on perception of dimension of infinite consciousness)
        MA-bdk 190.6 - (singleness on perception of dimension of nothingness)
        MA-bdk 190.8 - (animitta samādhi connected to all 6 senses of body)
        MA-bdk 190.9 - (attaining arahantship while in animitta samādhi)
        MA-bdk 190.10 - (conclusion: all tathāgatas (instead of ascetics and brahmins) of all times who became arahants through emptiness used the same method)

122 – MN 122 Mahā-suññata: Longer Discourse on Emptiness

 MN 122 – MN 122 Mahā-suññata: Longer Discourse on Emptiness
    MN 122.2 - (“Ānanda, a monk does not shine if he delights in company)
    MN 122.3 - (tathagata discovers emptiness)
        MN 122.3.2 - (ekodi + samādahati = do 4 jhānas)
        MN 122.3.3 - (living in emptiness with confidence)
        MN 122.3.4 - (living in emptiness, thinking, all 4 postures with lucid-discerning)
        MN 122.3.5 - (living in emptiness, all activities with lucid-discerning)
        MN 122.3.6 - (living in emptiness, thinking proper thoughts)
    MN 122.9 - (check if mind is drawn towards 5kg cords of sensual pleasure)
    MN 122.10 - (you should observe rise and fall of 5uk aggregates)
    MN 122.11 - (you should not follow Buddha around for sake of theoretical instruction, but for practical advice directly leading to nirvana)
        MN 122.11.2 - (how is there a peril for the teacher?)
        MN 122.11.3 - (how is there a peril for the student?)
        MN 122.11.4 - (how is there a peril for a spiritual practitioner?)
    MN 122.15 - ( Ānanda, treat me as a friend, not as an enemy.)
        MN 122.15.2 - (how do disciples treat their Teacher as an enemy, not a friend?)
        MN 122.15.3 - (how do disciples treat their Teacher as a friend, not an enemy?)
    MN 122.20 - (conclusion)

191 - MA 191 The Greater Discourse on Emptiness


    MA-bdk 191 - MA 191 The Greater Discourse on Emptiness
        MA-bdk 191.2 - (“Ānanda, a monk does not shine if he delights in company)
        MA-bdk 191.3 - (tathagata discovers emptiness / jhāna)
            MA-bdk 191.3.1 - (dwelling in emptiness externally by transcending all perception of form)
            MA-bdk 191.3.2 - (seven awakening factors 7sb☀️ lead to four jhānas)
            MA-bdk 191.3.3 - (living in emptiness with confidence)
            MA-bdk 191.3.4 - (living in emptiness, thinking, all 4 postures with lucid-discerning)
            MA-bdk 191.3.6 - (living in emptiness, thinking proper thoughts, right speech)
        MA-bdk 191.9 - (check if mind is drawn towards 5kg cords of sensual pleasure)
        MA-bdk 191.10 - (you should observe rise and fall of 5uk aggregates)
        MA-bdk 191.11 - (you should not follow Buddha around for sake of theoretical instruction, but for practical advice directly leading to nirvana)
        MA-bdk 191.15 - (Ānanda, treat me as a friend, not as an enemy.)

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