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A new translation of SN 47.10: how to first and second jhāna in plain simple English


A bare bones literal translation of this sutta is terse and somewhat cryptic if you don't have basic things memorized and understood prior, like the 4 jhāna formula.
What I translate and include in [] square brackets are bits of information from related suttas that help you connect the dots, resulting in usable instructions to get into first and second jhāna.

47.10 - SN 47.10 Bhikkhun’-upassaya: The Nuns’ Quarters

(2024 SP-FLUENT translation by frankk‍ )
    SN 47.10 - SN 47.10 Bhikkhunupassaya: The Nuns’ Quarters
        SN 47.10.1 - (nuns tell Ānanda about progress in 4sp🐘 practice)
        SN 47.10.2 - (Ananda goes to see Buddha and tells him what happened, as above)
        SN 47.10.4 - (Buddha approves)
        SN 47.10.5 - (While in 4sp🐘 , how to ward off 5niv⛅ hindrances)
        SN 47.10.7 - (7sb☀️ bodhi-anga derived sequence)
        SN 47.10.8 - (no more need for V&V💭 , passed from first to second jhāna)
        SN 47.10.10 - (remaining 3 of 4sp🐘 done just like above)
        SN 47.10.15 - (Undirected, ap-panidhāya, development)
        SN 47.10.20 - (conclusion: jhāyatha! You must practice jhāna!)

The essential part:

47.10.7 - (7sb☀️ bodhi-anga derived sequence)

Tenānanda, bhikkhunā kismiñcideva pasādanīye nimitte cittaṃ paṇidahitabbaṃ.
That monk should direct their mind towards an inspiring sign.
Tassa kismiñcideva pasādanīye nimitte cittaṃ paṇidahato pāmojjaṃ jāyati.
As they attend to that sign, [an inspiring recollection relevant to skillful Dharmas], they rejoice.
Pamuditassa pīti jāyati.
Rejoicing [in skillful Dharmas], mental-joy [of first and second jhāna] springs up.
Pītimanassa kāyo passambhati.
When the mind is full of mental-joy, the body becomes pacified.
Passaddhakāyo sukhaṃ vedayati.
When the body is pacified, one feels [physical] pleasure.
Sukhino cittaṃ samādhiyati.
And when pleasure [pervades the body], the mind becomes undistractible-&-lucid in samādhi.

47.10.8 - (no more need for V&V💭 , passed from first to second jhāna)

So iti paṭisañcikkhati:
Then they [equanimously] observe:
‘yassa khvāhaṃ atthāya cittaṃ paṇidahiṃ, so me attho abhinipphanno.
‘I have accomplished the goal for which I directed my mind.
Handa dāni paṭisaṃharāmī’ti.
Let me now pull back.’
So paṭisaṃharati ceva na ca vitakketi na ca vicāreti.
They pull back from [first jhāna, which involves] directing and evaluating thoughts [based on skillful Dharmas].
‘Avitakkomhi avicāro,
They lucidly-discern: ‘I’m neither directing-thoughts nor evaluating them,
internally [I have purity and confidence in Dharma and myself].
I’m simply remembering and applying Dharma [without using mental words].
sukhamasmī’ti pajānāti.
I abide in the pleasure [of second jhāna or something higher] .’

47.10.10 - (remaining 3 of 4sp🐘 done just like above)

Puna caparaṃ, ānanda, bhikkhu vedanāsu … pe …
Furthermore, a monk lives seeing sensations as sensations truly are …
citte … pe …
a monk lives seeing the mind as the mind truly is…
dhammesu dhammānupassī viharati ātāpī sampajāno satimā, vineyya loke abhijjhādomanassaṃ.
A monk lives seeing Dharma as ☸Dharma truly is —ardent, lucidly-discerning, and remembering and applying Dharma, rid of desire and aversion for the world.
Tassa dhammesu dhammānupassino viharato dhammārammaṇo vā uppajjati kāyasmiṃ pariḷāho, cetaso vā līnattaṃ, bahiddhā vā cittaṃ vikkhipati.
As they live seeing Dharma as ☸Dharma truly is, based on [this fourth frame of remembering and applying] Dharma, there arises physical tension, or mental sluggishness, or the mind is externally scattered.

(for examples of inspiring nimittas (signs), MN 20AN 6.10)

Compare with Sujato's incoherent translation and interpretation of the same sutta:

SN 47.10 B. Sujato's incoherent meditation instructions using vitakka, satipaṭṭhāna, and seven awakening factors


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