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AN 9.36 has perfect parallel in Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma, dharma-skandha-pāda-śāstra 阿毘達磨法薀足論

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    Sarv Ab Dk 15.6 - Undistractible-lucidity 6🌄 and realizing nirvana within jhāna ∥AN 9.36

 I've asked Dr. William Chu to check the Chinese source against AN 9.36,

 he's confirmed it matches these important points from AN 9.36:

* 4 jhānas + 3 formless attainments (7 perception attainments) are not states of frozen stupor. Like AN 9.36, you do vipassana WHILE you're in that jhāna, even realizing nirvana.

* The 8th and 9th formless attainments, one can not do vipassana while in that attainment, one has to emerge before doing so.

* Both suttas have the archer similes

* Both suttas have four jhānas mind connected to 5 senses of body (can do vipassana on all 5 aggregates), but in formless attainments can only do vipassana on 4 aggregates

Conclusion: AN 9.36 proves 4 jhānas are embodied states where you can hear, think, do vipassana  

Only takes you about 10 seconds to click the highlighted links below and confirm for yourself.

AN 9.36 Jhāna: Depending on jhāna

(2024 SP-FLUENT translation by frankk‍ derived from B. Sujato‍ )   fnod1..9.36

    AN 9.36 - AN 9.36 Jhāna: Depending on jhāna
        AN 9.36.1 - (1st Jhāna)
            AN - (doing vipassana while in four jhānas, can perceive rūpa physical body and realize Nirvana)
        AN 9.36.2 - (2nd Jhāna)
            AN - (doing vipassana while in four jhānas, can perceive rūpa physical body and realize Nirvana)
        AN 9.36.3 - (3rd Jhāna)
            AN - (doing vipassana while in four jhānas, can perceive rūpa physical body and realize Nirvana)
        AN 9.36.4 - (4th Jhāna)
            AN - (doing vipassana while in four jhānas, can perceive rūpa physical body and realize Nirvana)
        AN 9.36.5 – (Ākāsā-nañc-āyatanam: dimension of infinite space)
            AN - (doing vipassana while in formless perception attainments, can not perceive rūpa physical body, can realize Nirvana)
        AN 9.36.6 – (viññāṇa-ñc-āyatanam: dimension of infinite consciousness)
            AN - (doing vipassana while in formless perception attainments, can not perceive rūpa physical body, can realize Nirvana)
        AN 9.36.7 – (ākiñcaññ-āyatanam: dimension of nothingness)
            AN - (doing vipassana while in formless perception attainments, can not perceive rūpa physical body, can realize Nirvana)
        AN 9.36.8 - (8th and 9th attainments require ‘emerging’ from attainment before doing vipassana)

Dogen's English translation from here

dharma-skandha-pāda-śāstra 阿毘達磨法薀足論

15.6 - Undistractible-lucidity 6🌄 and realizing nirvana within jhāna ∥AN 9.36

(2024 translated by Dogen, sect. 15.6)  🔗📝  
    Sarv Ab Dk 15.6 - Undistractible-lucidity 6🌄 and realizing nirvana within jhāna ∥AN 9.36
        Sarv Ab Dk 15.6.1 - (relying on 4 jhānas + first 3 formless one can end Āsava‍ to become arahant)
        Sarv Ab Dk 15.6.2 - (while in first jhāna, do vipassana on 5uk aggregates and realize nirvana)
        Sarv Ab Dk 15.6.3 - (simile of skilled archer)
        Sarv Ab Dk 15.6.4 - (declaration of an arahant)
        Sarv Ab Dk 15.6.5 – (vipassana and realizing nirvana also can be done while in all 4 jhānas and first 3 formless attainments)
        Sarv Ab Dk 15.6.6 - (but while in formless attainment, one can only do vipassana on four of five aggregates)
        Sarv Ab Dk 15.6.7 - (one can not do vipassana while in 8th and 9th formless attainment, one has to emerge first)
        Sarv Ab Dk 15.6.8 - (samādhi is same in 7sb☀️ 👑8☸ 5ind🖐️ 5bal👊️ )

What is the unidstractible-lucidity (samādhi) awakening factor?
The Blessed One said:

15.6.1 - (relying on 4 jhānas + first 3 formless one can end Āsava‍ to become arahant)

Bhikshus, you should know that I have stated that by relying on the first jhāna, one can eliminate all impurities. Similarly, I have said that by relying on the second, third, and fourth jhānas, the realm of infinite space, the realm of infinite consciousness, and the realm of nothingness, one can eliminate all impurities.
Bhikshus, you should know why I have made such a statement.
It is because there are bhikshus who, through such practices, detach from desire and unwholesome states, experiencing initial and sustained thought, and attain joy and pleasure born of seclusion, thus dwelling in the first jhāna.

15.6.2 - (while in first jhāna, do vipassana on 5uk aggregates and realize nirvana)

These bhikshus do not reflect on such practices but instead contemplate the forms, feelings, perceptions, volitions, and consciousness they have attained, seeing these phenomena as akin to a disease, a boil, an arrow causing affliction, and as impermanent, suffering, empty, and not-self.
With profound revulsion, fear, and restraint toward these phenomena, they then gather their mind and place it in the realm of the deathless (nirvana).
Reflecting on this realm as peaceful and sublime, they abandon all dependencies, completely detach from defilements, and attain final extinction in nirvana.

15.6.3 - (simile of skilled archer)

Just like a skilled archer or his student, who first practices shooting at close-range targets made of clay or straw, can eventually shoot and break distant, hard targets as well.
Bhikshus, likewise, by such practices, one detaches from desire and unwholesome states, experiencing initial and sustained thought, and attains joy and pleasure born of seclusion, thus dwelling in the first jhāna.
These bhikshus do not reflect on such practices but instead contemplate the forms, feelings, perceptions, volitions, and consciousness they have attained, seeing these phenomena as akin to a disease, a boil, an arrow causing affliction, and as impermanent, suffering, empty, and not-self.
With profound revulsion, fear, and restraint toward these phenomena, they then gather their mind and place it in the realm of the deathless (nirvana). Reflecting on this realm as peaceful and sublime, they abandon all dependencies, completely detach from defilements, and attain final extinction in nirvana.

15.6.4 - (declaration of an arahant)

By knowing and seeing in this way, they are liberated from the taint of sensual desire, from the taint of becoming, and from the taint of ignorance.
Having been liberated, they know directly:
“I have finished birth, the holy life has been fulfilled, what had to be done has been done, there is no further existence for me.”
It is for this reason that I say that by relying on the first jhāna, one can eliminate all impurities.

15.6.5 – (vipassana and realizing nirvana also can be done while in all 4 jhānas and first 3 formless attainments)

Just as I have said that by relying on the first jhāna, one can eliminate all impurities, I have also said that by relying on the second, third, and fourth jhānas, the realm of infinite space, the realm of infinite consciousness, and the realm of nothingness, one can eliminate all impurities.
In the same way, one should also say this about the second jhāna:
There are bhikshus who, through such practices, quieting initial and sustained thought, with internal clarity and unification of mind, without initial and sustained thought, attain joy and pleasure born of concentration, thus dwelling in the second jhāna.
These bhikshus do not reflect on such practices but contemplate the forms, feelings, perceptions, volitions, and consciousness they have attained, seeing these phenomena as impermanent, suffering, empty, and not-self.

15.6.6 - (but while in formless attainment, one can only do vipassana on four of five aggregates)

The same applies to the realm of nothingness: There are bhikshus who, through such practices, transcend the realm of infinite consciousness, and enter and dwell in the realm of nothingness.
They do not reflect on such practices but contemplate the feelings, perceptions, volitions, and consciousness they have attained, seeing these phenomena as impermanent, suffering, empty, and not-self.

15.6.7 - (one can not do vipassana while in 8th and 9th formless attainment, one has to emerge first)

Bhikshus, you should know that even in states of concentration, such practices should be carried out. There are also the realm of neither perception nor non-perception and the cessation of perception and feeling.
I have said that those bhikshus who practice these states should frequently enter and exit them.


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