Wednesday, May 22, 2024

KN Pe 7.1 - 7.4 gloss of four jhāna formula: kāya is physical body in Pe, Abhidhamma Vb, Vimutti-magga

 Peṭako-padesa-pāḷi : Pitaka disclosure

    Pe 7.1 - (first jhāna j1🌘 )
        Pe 7.1.1 - (rich section on V&V, vitakka & vicara)
        Pe 7.1.2 - (V&V example: vitakka sees person, vicara scrutinizes their sila)
        Pe 7.1.3 - (appana is not a frozen trance)
        Pe 7.1.4 - (V&V winged bird simile)
        Pe 7.1.5 - (V&V relationship to right/wrong resolves)
        Pe 7.1.6 - (V&V example: oral tradition of reciting vocally first requires V&V to contain thinking and evaluation)
        Pe 7.1.7 - (vicara needs to finish the job vitakka started)
        Pe 7.1.8 - (example: vitakka’s comprehension more superficial, vicara explores/dives deep into meaning)
        Pe 7.1.9 - (example (related to right effort), vitakka sets task, vicara finishes)
        Pe 7.1.10 - (first jhāna: what parts mental, physical)
    Pe 7.2 - (second jhāna j2🌗 )
    Pe 7.3 - (third jhāna j3🌖 )
    Pe 7.4 - (fourth jhāna j4🌕 )

7.1 - (first jhāna j1🌘 )

KN-Pe has the earliest detailed word commentary on the standard jhāna formula: Peṭakopadesa 7.72
“composed probably in India before 100 BCE”.

7.1.10 - (first jhāna: what parts mental, physical)

imesu vitakka-vicāresu ṭhitassa
584. these directed-thoughts-&-evaluations (being) steady,
duvidhaṃ dukkhaṃ na uppajjati kāyikañca cetasikañca;
two-fold suffering doesn't arise; bodily & mental;
duvidhaṃ sukhaṃ uppajjati kāyikañca cetasikañca.
two-fold pleasure arises; bodily & mental.
iti vitakka-janitaṃ
thus directed-thoughts-generates
cetasikaṃ sukhaṃ
mental pleasure,
pīti kāyikaṃ
rapture (in the) body,
sukhaṃ kāyikoyeva.
pleasure (in the) body.
yā tattha cittassa ekaggatā,
this here (is) mind's unification,
ayaṃ samādhi.
this is undistractable-lucidity.
iti paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ
Such is first jhāna,

7.2 - (second jhāna j2🌗 )

♦ tesaṃyeva vitakka-vicārānaṃ
585. those directed-thoughts-&evaluation,
abhikkhaṇaṃ āsevanāya
(the) constant practice (of that),
tassa tappoṇa-mānasaṃ hoti.
(is what the) mind slopes toward.
tassa vitakka-vicārā
those directed-thoughts-&evaluation,
oḷārikā khāyanti.
coarse (is how they) appear (to him).
yañca pīti-sukhañca nekkhammañca
and-the rapture-&pleasure (born from) renunciation, [piti-sukha from first jhana]
oḷārikaṃ bhavati.
coarse (it) becomes (to him).
api ca samādhi-jā pīti rati ca jāyati.
and then undistractable-lucidity-induced rapture & relish is born.
tassa vicār-ārammaṇaṃ.
586. the evaluation-of-thought-objects [from first jhana V&V],
tesaṃ vūpasamā ajjhattaṃ ceto sampasīdati.
their calming [leads to] internal mental confidence.
ye vitakka-vicārā
those directed-thoughts-&evaluation
dve dhamm-{an?-}ānus-saritabbā.
[are] two dhammas (which) need {not?} be-recollected.
pacc-uppannā daraṇitabbaṃ.
presently-arisen {thinking & evaluation?} should-be-feared.
tesaṃ vūpasamā
with the calming [of directed-thoughts-&evaluation]
Ekodi-bhāvaṃ citt-ekaggataṃ hoti.
{there} becomes-singularity & mental-unification.
tassa ekodi-bhāvena pīti pāripūriṃ gacchati.
(with it) becoming-singular, rapture fulfillment happens.
yā pīti, taṃ so-manass-indriyaṃ,
whatever rapture, that (is) good-[happy]-mental-state-faculty.
yaṃ sukhaṃ, taṃ sukh-indriyaṃ.
whatever pleasure, that (is) [bodily] pleasure-faculty.
yā citt-ekaggatā, ayaṃ samādhi.
whatever mind-unification, that (is) undistractable-lucidity.
taṃ dutiyaṃ jhānaṃ
this second jhana,

7.3 - (third jhāna j3🌖 )

so pītiyā virāgā
587. he, (with) rapture's fading-away,
yāti ojahi jalla-sahagataṃ.
drives nutritive-essence wetness-,connected-with-that.
♦ 73. tattha so-manassa-cittam-upādānanti{uppādayati} ca
587. there happy-mental-state-(of)-mind-arises, [pīti leftover from 2nd jhana]
so taṃ vicinanto upekkhameva manasi-karoti.
he then investigates (that with) equanimous-obervation attention.
so pītiyā virāgā
he, (with) rapture's fading,
upekkhako viharati.
equanimously-observing (he) dwells.
yathā ca pītiyā sukha-mānitaṃ,
as-to the rapture induced-pleasure,
taṃ kāyena paṭisaṃvedeti
that, with the [physical] body (he) experiences,
sam-pajāno viharati.
(with) clear-discerning (of that he) dwells.
yena sati-sampajaññena
because-of remembrance-&clear-discerning,
upekkhā-pāripūriṃ gacchati.
equanimous-observation-fulfillment happens.
idaṃ tatiyaṃ jhānaṃ
this third jhana,

 kāya is  always physical body in Pe,  Abhidhamma* Vb, Vimt., before Vism.

Abhidhamma Vb: they gloss kāya as mental body to make abhidhamma momentariness work, but it's still talking about a physical body experience, as Vimt. shows by glossing 3rd jhāna kāya as mental body, but in second jhāna very explicitly says it's a physical body.

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