Monday, May 27, 2024

AN 4.180, DN 16.22 Four Great References, validating whether it's legitimate Dhamma, or not

AN 4.180 Mahāpadesa: The Four Great References

(99% translation by B. Sujato‍ )
    AN 4.180 - AN 4.180 Mahāpadesa: The Four Great References
        AN 4.180.1 - (if you hear and memorize Dhamma from one who heard Buddha)
            AN - (⛔if memory conflicts with suttas and vinaya, you must reject your memory as corrupted Dhamma)
            AN - (✅☸if memory agrees with suttas and vinaya, your memory of Dhamma is confirmed)
        AN 4.180.2 - (if you hear and memorize Dhamma from leaders and senior monastic sangha)
            AN - (⛔if memory conflicts with suttas and vinaya, you must reject your memory as corrupted Dhamma)
            AN - (✅☸if memory agrees with suttas and vinaya, your memory of Dhamma is confirmed)
        AN 4.180.3 - (if you hear and memorize Dhamma from several learned senior monastics)
            AN - (⛔if memory conflicts with suttas and vinaya, you must reject your memory as corrupted Dhamma)
            AN - (✅☸if memory agrees with suttas and vinaya, your memory of Dhamma is confirmed)
        AN 4.180.4 - (if you hear and memorize Dhamma from a senior monastic)
            AN - (⛔if memory conflicts with suttas and vinaya, you must reject your memory as corrupted Dhamma)
            AN - (✅☸if memory agrees with suttas and vinaya, your memory of Dhamma is confirmed)


Same sutta occurs in DN 16.22

DN 16 is the sutta where the Buddha gives instructions on what happens after he dies.

So this sutta is important.

The essence of it should be memorized, and applied (sati, "mindfulness").

Easy way to memorize the essence of this sutta

There are 4 references, if you use them correctly, you identify correct Dhamma.

Incorrect Dhamma is 180 degrees away, the opposite direction of correct Dhamma (360 degrees is a circle).

This sutta is conveniently numbered AN 4.180

The four references are progressively less reliable source of hearing Dhamma that you memorize.

1. you heard and learned and memorized Dhamma from someone who actually heard it from the Buddha himself.

2. the source is a number of elder leaders and senior monks

3. the source is a number of learned senior monks

4. the source is a single learned monk

If the Dhamma you memorized and heard from your source matches the suttas and vinaya, then it's correct Dhamma.

If it doesn't match, then your memory was faulty, or the source gave you incorrect Dhamma and should  be rejected.

If people actually memorized and applied the 4 great references...

Many controversies would be resolved quickly.

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