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Showing posts from July, 2021

collection of articles on serious problems that can happen with deep meditation

collection of articles on serious problems that can happen with deep meditation How Goenka ruined my life 1 Varieties of Contemplative Experience Study ,  PLOS 2 Meditation Is a Powerful Tool and For Some it Goes Terribly Awry,   Vice 3 Gluten-Free Almond Cupcakes,  Spirit Rock Meditation Center 4 Questions and Answers About the Technique of Vipassana 5 Lost in Thought,  Harpers Magazine 6 Cheetah House, Resources for Meditators in Distress 7 The Making of Buddhist Modernism, David McMahan 8 Can Mindfulness Be too Much of a Good Thing? The Value of A Middle Way , Science Direct And my thoughts on how to fix it: Even if you meditate correctly, things can go terribly wrong famous and long time Mindfulness teachers n

science video describing the first of STED 9siv (nava-sivathika)

 ⚠️warning: In my opinion, the 3 min slideshow is pretty tame, but the animated GIF of a real time lapsed corpse at the bottom of the article may be diffficult for the faint of heart. Proceed at your own risk. (3 min. video) Five stages of body decomposition (short video, slideshow with pig pictures): k5-ISsqhomc If you never noticed before, the first of the 9 cemetary contemplations outlines in the same chronological order of the 5 stages described above in the video link. Knowing the science of the decay helps you memorize this pali passage. 4👑☸ Cattāri Ariya-saccaṃ 四聖諦 4👑☸  →  STED  →   9siv⚰️        STED 9siv (nava-sivathika) 9 cemetary contemplations also see 🔗 asubha and cemetary jukebox of greatest hits STED 9siv: 9 (stages of) corpses Puna ca-paraṃ, bhante, bhikkhu Again **-further, venerable-sir, the-bhikkhu seyyathāpi just as passeyya sarīraṃ (he) should-see a-body 1. Swollen,blue,festering sivathikāya chaṭṭitaṃ in-a-cemetery, cast-away, Ekā

how does one differentiate vedana from bodily vinnana such as a sensation of itchy or coldness?

  Re: Vedana and (physical) body vinnana Edit Delete Report Quote Post   by  frank k  »  Fri Jul 23, 2021 11:20 am asahi  wrote:  ↑ Wed Jul 21, 2021 12:53 am Pls explain how one differentiate vedana from bodily vinnana such as a sensation of itchy or coldness sense in body . Is it vedana or vinnana ? MN 18 is a good sutta to see the hierarchy of where vinnana and vedana fit in to experience. for the eye, it looks like this: Cakkhu + rūpe + viññāṇaṃ → phasso → vedeti (vedanā) → sañjānāti → vitakketi → papañceti eye + forms + consciousness → contact → feel → perceive → think → proliferate For the body, it would be: kaya/body + phottabbha/tactile sensations + vinnana -> contact (meeting of the first 3 elements) -> vedana (3 types pleasant, pain, neutral) -> sanna/perceptions -> vitakka/thinking So the external sense stimuli being intrinsically cold or itchy causing, is part of phottabbha. vinnana/consciousness is the internal experience

reborn in hell after correct practice of metta - how to understand this? To hell with metta - how to understand this? Quote from Aṅguttara Nikāya 4.125 Paṭhamamettāsutta: Firstly, a person meditates spreading a heart full of metta (friendly kindness)  love [...] If they abide in that, are committed to it, and meditate on it often without losing it, when they die they’re reborn in the company of the gods of Brahmā’s Host. The lifespan of the gods of Brahma’s Host is one eon. An ordinary person stays there until the lifespan of those gods is spent, then they go to hell or the animal realm or the ghost realm. But a disciple of the Buddha stays there until the lifespan of those gods is spent, then they’re extinguished in that very life. This is the difference between an educated noble disciple and an uneducated ordinary person, that is, when there is a place of rebirth. Why would an ordinary person, a worlding (puthujjano), go to hell after a lot of metta?

Where in the canon does the Buddha teach about mindfulness?

  Where in the canon does the Buddha teach about mindfulness? I wanted to know if someone could reference passages from the canon where the Buddha teaches about mindfulness. If such passages exist that is. I was wondering about it because terms and explanations surrounding mindfulness can sound very modern and almost technical at times, depending on who explains it. Has mindfulness, as practiced in this modern age, any roots in the original teachings of the Buddha (as taught by Himself), or did this arise in more recent times? E.g. Vietnamese Monk Thich Nanh Hanh's school of mindfulness is an entire sect devoted to the practice of mindfulness. But is there any canonical, textual evidence? I couldn't find anything. Frankk response: There are 56 samyutta's in the SN, the 47'th SN is devoted to the topic of "mindfulness" (sati). SN 47 Sati-

Chronology of the Pali Canon

4👑☸  →  misc.    EBT Timeline : important dates related to EBT texts External resources  from dhammawheel forum: Chronology of the Pali Canon Report Quote Post   by  Assaji  »  Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:03 am Hello Pali friends, I would like to share some sources and thoughts on the chronology of the Pali Canon. First, the research on chronology. CHRONOLOGY OF THE PALI CANON BY DR. BIMALA CHURN LAW " onclick=";return false; CHRONOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE NIKĀYAS Bhikkhu Thich Minh Thanh " onclick=";return false; STUDIES IN THE ORIGINS OF BUDDHISM GOVIND CHANDRA PANDE ... sm-IDC304/ " onclick=";return false; The Buddha Spoke Pāli by Stefan Karpik " onclick=";return false; How old is the Suttapitaka?

🔗📚: collection of articles on kāma

4👑☸ → EBpedia📚 → kāma 💘💃‍ : sensuality, lust, passion Unsorted articles What does it mean in Bhikkhu Bodhi's *Life of the Buddha* when he describes Maha Maya as being possessed of the five kāmaguṇa Advice to younger meditators on jhāna, sex, porn, masturbation Arousal while meditating, indulging and fasting stops long term progress