Sunday, November 27, 2022

Dhp: Warrior noble in shining armor ablaze with jhāna


    Dhp 23 (jhāna all the time leads to nirvana)

    Dhp 27 (negligent contrast with assiduous jhāna meditator)

    Dhp 110 (single day with jhāna and virtue better than 100 years without)

    Dhp 111 (single day with jhāna and discernment better than 100 years without)

    Dhp 155 (obsessive jhāna level focus on food)

    Dhp 181 (gods envious of Buddhas engaged in jhāna)

    Dhp 276 (Buddha points way but you have to work, jhāna meditators freed from Māra)

    Dhp 371 (not doing jhāna is negligent)

    Dhp 372 (need both jhāna and discernment for nirvana)

    Dhp 386 (sitting in jhāna, dustless, arahant)

    Dhp 387 (warrior shines in armor and jhāna)

    Dhp 395 (brahman does jhāna alone in forest)

    Dhp 414 (arahant in jhāna, unperturbed, nirvana’d)

♦ te jhāyino sātatikā,
Those who do jhāna all the time,
niccaṃ daḷha-parakkamā.
constant and firm in their effort,
♦ phusanti dhīrā nibbānaṃ,
those wise ones reach nirvana,
Yoga-k-khemaṃ an-uttaraṃ.
the un-surpassed release from all bonds.

♦ mā pamādam-anuyuñjetha,
Don’t devote yourself to negligence,
mā kāma-rati-santhavaṃ VAR .
don’t delight in sexual intimacy and sensual pleasures.
♦ appamatto hi jhāyanto,
for the assiduous jhāna meditator
pappoti vipulaṃ sukhaṃ.
certainly will attain abundant pleasure.

♦ 181.
♦ ye jhāna-pasutā dhīrā,
Those wise ones who are engaged-in-jhāna
Nekkhamm-ūpasame ratā.
and relish peace and renunciation,
♦ devāpi tesaṃ pihayanti,
even the gods are envious of them,
Sam-buddhānaṃ satīmataṃ.
the buddhas who remember [and actualize the Dharma].

♦ 276.
♦ tumhehi kiccamātappaṃ,
You yourselves must strive;
akkhātāro tathāgatā.
the Buddhas only point the way.
♦ paṭipannā pamokkhanti,
Those Jhāna-meditators who tread the path
jhāyino māra-bandhanā.
are released from Mara’s-bonds.

♦ 395.
♦ paṃsukūladharaṃ jantuṃ,
That one who wears discarded clothes,
kisaṃ dhamanisanthataṃ.
who is lean with protruding veins,
♦ ekaṃ vanasmiṃ jhāyantaṃ,
who does-jhāna alone in the forest,
tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
that one I say is a brahmin.

♦ 414.
♦ yomaṃ VAR palipathaṃ duggaṃ,
He who has crossed the difficult and dangerous path
saṃsāraṃ mohamaccagā.
through births and deaths and delusion,
♦ tiṇṇo pāragato VAR jhāyī,
the jhāna-meditator who has crossed over to the further shore,
anejo akathaṃkathī.
unperturbed and free of doubt,
♦ anupādāya nibbuto,
unattached and [cooled down] in nirvana,
tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
that one I say is a brahmin.


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