I highlighted (one of ) the problematic parts of the article below. An example. So we should be non-judgmental, non critical, accepting and tolerant when Hitler is killing millions in concentration camps? Quietly benevolent and accepting and non critical when Dhamma teachers teach wrong Dhamma? Right view, Dhamma-vicaya, paĆ±Ć±Ä indrya overlap in their duties. One can be judiciously judgmental, critical, discerning skillful from unskillful Dhamma, without aversion or annoyance. Unskillful and untimely criticism and divisive speech is one thing, but the type of "right view" advocated below promotes stupidity and inaction when various kinds of right action and development of discernment and judgement are proper. ‘Seeing’ Is a Mind That Doesn’t Move Ajahn Sundara This is Right View: seeing life as it is, knowing life as it is, experiencing life as it is and letting go. This is not ‘me’ doing something; it ...
always question authority