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Showing posts from November, 2019

B. Sujato's translation of 'situational awareness' for 'sampajano' is inadequate

Re: Situation awareness Edit Delete post Report this post Quote Post   by  frank k  »  Wed Nov 27, 2019 6:09 am Dhammanando  wrote:  ↑ Mon Nov 25, 2019 10:56 pm English renderings of  sampajaƱƱa  are of broadly three kinds. The rendering "clear comprehension" (or some synonym of this) is usually used by those translators who accept the Abhidhamma's treatment of  sampajaƱƱa  as a mode of  paƱƱā : It doesn't need Abhidhamma support to justify that interpretation. AN 4.41 defines sampajano as : STED S&S  definition custom built for in-jhāna usage Now look in AN 4.41, the 4 developments of samadhi sutta, and once again you see the same definition of sampajano as in SN 47.35, the one that fits jhāna perfectly in terms of the most obvious things one would investigate from such a still and refined state of mind. AN 4.41 third of four exercises, for sati and sampajaƱƱāya Katamā ca, bhikkhave, samādhi-bhāvanā bhāvitā bahulÄ«katā {and} what, *********, concen

sati simplified, B. Analayo's misinterpretations The best advice I can give anyone, beginner or not, is forget about MN 10 and DN 22 (the suttas people tend to default to as the definitive reference on the subject), and ignore what most of the so called experts are saying about mindfulness. Instead, read the first 10 suttas in SN 47, the satipatthana samyutta, carefully, and repeatedly. Those 10 suttas in SN 47, and you can rely on Thanissaro's excellent book, "right mindfulness" as the best reference manual on the topic, although there are a couple of issues I have it. But those two sources will give you a safe base to work from. @frankk Can you expand further on what is problematic in [B. Analayo's] viewpoint? I haven't fully delved into his work, but from what I have seen, it has been extremely well-put and well-founded. I had no intention to contradict your answer. Merely to add. In my p

relationship between sati, iddhipada, arahantship

Re: Can you develop Iddhipada by Satipathana? Edit Delete post Report this post Quote Post   by  frank k  »  Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:40 am You need sati developing any path factor. The 4sp satipatthana are the nimittas/signs of samadhi. The 4ip iddhipada, all have 'samadhi' embedded in their formula. And the 4 types of ip, if you study those words carefully, the first 2 figure prominently in the right effort formula (chanda, virya). So in a sense, the 4ip are describing how right effort and right sati are developed to produce right samadhi. If you compare the 4ip extended formula with AN 6.29 and AN 5.28, by studying the role of the development of luminosity for knowledge and vision, and the lack of piti and sukha mentioned in the 4ip, and the easy accessability of the 6 abhinna from developing 4ip, then it becomes clear the 4ip are ways to purify a fourth jhana to the point of being able to attain 6 abhinna . And since the destruction of the asavas (the 6th abhinna) is

how to avoid indulging in pleasure of hot showers

interesting question from Q: I follow Yuttadhammo's tradition and I wanted to know how to prevent the pleasure I get in taking showers. Everytime I take them, I have a clinging to the warmth of the water and the feeling of it. How do I prevent this or come to disattach from the experiences I have in showering and getting pleasure from it? the-buddha traditions tipitaka personal-experience shareeditflag asked yesterday Dhamma4All you may be under dressed, insufficiently warm all the times you're not in a comfortable hot shower. Wear more layers, keep your body warm, do enough cardiovascular and other physical exercises everyday (at least 30min) to improve your base body temperature and overall physical health. Then when you step in a hot shower, it won't feel like anything especially comfortable. When your reserve energy is strong, you feel like you could eat or not eat, sleep or not sl