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Showing posts from April, 2023

why do monks eat more than one meal a day?

Re: why do monks eat more than one meal a day? Edit Delete Report Quote Post   by  frank k  »  Sun Apr 30, 2023 8:11 am why do monks eat more than one meal a day? The OP's misunderstanding about arahants eating more than one meal per day has already been answered in the thread. But as to the question of the thread title, I invite you all to really try to answer it for yourself, through your own experience. In other words, rather than asking "why do monks...", you should be asking yourself, "Why do ** I ** eat more than one meal a day?" If you're not sure, then this will help you. I've collected relevant passages from suttas, and thai forest masters:  

šŸ”—šŸ“ collection of notes on MN 61

  MN 61, question about asymmetry of bad mental action in matrix

My thoughts on Dalai Lama kissing boy, and the solution

HHDL = His holiness, the Dalai Lama I've collected good references here, including the actual video, and snippets from forums discussions containing valid critcism and explanations of cultural context, and most importantly, what the rules of the actual vinaya that buddhist monks are supposed to follow: 1min. video: Dalai Lama kissing boy and asking him to suck his tongue At the time of this writing, HHDL is about 88 years old. He has an exemplary record devoting his life to compassionate service to all living beings,  as a Tibetan Buddhist monk. In this age of 'me too',  everyone with a cell phone with high resolution cameras, and the ability to quickly publicize any indiscretion or sexual crime, we've seen sexual predators in positions of power being exposed and convicted. Leaders of large corporations,  governments, professional sports, doctors, leaders in all religions. Tibetan Buddhism has an especially poor track record with corrupt sexual predators. https://thewal

SN 24 sota-patti (chapter on stream enterer), this is why ariya-savaka is just a disciple, not necessarily already a "noble disciple"

this is why ariya-savaka is just a disciple (who may or may not already be ariya), not already a confirmed "noble disciple" The first 18 suttas in SN 24, which is a chapter in SN all about how stream entry happens. They all end the same way, with this refrain, after 18 different kinds of wrong view have been given up: I'll show Sujato's translation first (which is wrong): “When a noble disciple has given up doubt in these six cases, and has given up doubt in suffering, its origin, its cessation, and the practice that leads to its cessation, “Yato   kho,   bhikkhave,   ariyasāvakassa   imesu   ca   į¹­hānesu   kaį¹…khā   pahÄ«nā   hoti,   dukkhepissa   kaį¹…khā   pahÄ«nā   hoti   …pe…   dukkhanirodhagāminiyā   paį¹­ipadāyapissa   kaį¹…khā   pahÄ«nā   hoti — they’re called a noble disciple who is a stream-enterer, not liable to be reborn in the underworld, bound for awakening.” ayaį¹   vuccati,   bhikkhave,   ariyasāvako   sotāpanno   avinipātadhammo   niyato   sambodhiparāyano”ti.

1min. video: Dalai Lama kissing boy and asking him to suck his tongue

To give more context, this is a public event,  * everyone knows cameras are rolling  *  it's a room full of children * the boy's mom is standing off camera a few feet away watching all of this * the boy initiated contact, he had already had a hug with Dalai Lama earlier and then asked Dalai Lama for another hug which triggered this segment  17 min. video showing what happened before that 1 min. clip and after, with some explanation 16min talk from Ajahn Acalo with his thoughts on Dalai Lama kissing boy, relevance to Bhikkhu monastic code, sexual predators in religion in general, and how celibate monastics deal with sexual energy. The child's comments about the incident in a filmed interview later The child: It's a great experience It was amazing to meet His Holiness and I think it's a great ex

What LBT Vism. calls 5 fold jhāna, EBT calls it samādhi in three ways

  Article on 3 ways of samādhi here: (AN 8.63 gives the most info on that) Sujato, Brahm, and Vism.'s redefinition of vitakka and vicāra in Jhāna really falls apart in AN 8.63, as these articles show: Forum discussion dhamma wheel:  Abhidhamma and fifth jhāna

muditā as brahma-vihāra: joy opposes dissatisfaction, not weird Abhidhammic "envy opposing jealously"

  Re: The translation of Muditā Edit Delete Report Quote Post   by  frank k  »  Sat Apr 15, 2023 10:09 am balaputradeva  wrote:  ↑ Fri Apr 14, 2023 7:40 am Dhammanando  wrote:  ↑ Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:03 am This is not to say that joy doesn’t arise on account of one’s own  sampattis , but merely that ‘joy’ in this case would be a term for something other than  muditā . Whereas  muditā  is always reckoned as wholesome (except when occurring in the kiriyācittas of an arahant, when it is merely functional), the joy that arise in connection with one’s own  sampattis  may be wholesome or unwholesome. If, for example, you win the lottery and joy arises as you dream of all the ways you’ll now be able to indulge yourself, then this would be unwholesome  pÄ«ti  and  sukha . But if joy arises as you contemplate all the gifts that you now plan to give people, then it would be wholesome  pÄ«ti  and  sukha . In neither case would the joy be termed  muditā . Then, how about being mudita for someone happi