Monday, July 24, 2023

Weekend at Buddhaghosa's: Buddha's Jhāna Vs. VRJ👻🥶 (Vism. Re-definition of Jhāna)

 I've reworked the VRJ article, adding many permalinks.

Here's the table of contents, and an excerpt from the introduction and conclusion

4👑☸ → 👑8☸ → 8🌄 → Buddha's Jhāna Vs. VRJ👻🥶 (Vism. Re-definition of Jhāna)

 VRJ👻🥶 1 – EBT Jhāna Vs. Vism. Redefinition
    VRJ👻🥶 1.1 – The Buddha’s agenda
    VRJ👻🥶 1.2 – THOX agenda
    VRJ👻🥶 1.3 – The fallout from the different agendas
        VRJ👻🥶 1.3.1 – An uncomfortable truth
        VRJ👻🥶 1.3.2 – 'It depends upon what your definition of "is" is.'
VRJ👻🥶 2 – How EBT defines Jhānas
    VRJ👻🥶 2.1 – Difference between rūpa and a-rūpa
    VRJ👻🥶 2.2 – How sukha is defined in EBT jhānas: physical pleasure
        VRJ👻🥶 2.2.1 – If the Buddha wanted sukha to be mental in 3rd jhāna...
        VRJ👻🥶 2.2.2 – Pounding in the final nail on the coffin of the Jhāna controversy
VRJ👻🥶 3 – How THOX & Vism. Redefined Jhāna
    VRJ👻🥶 3.1 – Difference between rūpa and a-rūpa
        VRJ👻🥶 3.1.1 – Vism chap. 10 arūpa
        VRJ👻🥶 3.1.2 – next paragraph is the key
        VRJ👻🥶 3.1.3 – But this part seems to agree with EBT that sound can knock you out of first jhāna
    VRJ👻🥶 3.2 – Conclusion on difference between THOX rūpa and a-rūpa
    VRJ👻🥶 3.3 – THOX Ab Vb 12 redefines kāya as body of mental aggregates
    VRJ👻🥶 3.4 – THOX redefines kāya in 16 APS
    VRJ👻🥶 3.5 – THOX redefines kāya in tranquility awakening factor as body of mental aggregates
            VRJ👻🥶 10.2. Analysis According To Abhidhamma
    VRJ👻🥶 3.6 – THOX redefines sukha as all mental factors
    VRJ👻🥶 3.7 – THOX tries to explain why anatomical body feels so good in jhāna
VRJ👻🥶 4 – Vimt. in practice is mostly consistent with EBT jhāna
    VRJ👻🥶 4.1 – Vimt. matches EBT in rūpa vs. arūpa, space-infinitude-dimension
        VRJ👻🥶 4.1.2 – This is saying the mind is divorced from 5 sense faculties
        VRJ👻🥶 4.1.3 – here he explicitly says four jhānas, the mind is still sensitive to 5 faculties
VRJ👻🥶 5 – Evolution of Bhante Gunaratana's Interpretation of Jhāna
    VRJ👻🥶 5.1 – Bhante G. Bio.
    VRJ👻🥶 5.2 – book 1: Critical Analysis of the Jhānas (conforms to Vism. And contradicts EBT)
    VRJ👻🥶 5.3 – book 2: Beyond Mindfulnes (changed views on jhāna now conforms to EBT)
            VRJ👻🥶 5.3.5 – Highlights from the second book
            VRJ👻🥶 – brief key points of four jhānas
            VRJ👻🥶 – jhāna in depth
            VRJ👻🥶 – First jhāna
            VRJ👻🥶 –Second jhāna
            VRJ👻🥶 –Third jhāna
            VRJ👻🥶 –Fourth jhāna
            VRJ👻🥶 –can you hear sound and feel body pain in jhana?
    VRJ👻🥶 5.4 – Conclusion on Bhante G.
VRJ👻🥶 6 – Thanissaro Bhikkhu
VRJ👻🥶 7 – Final conclusion
    VRJ👻🥶 7.1 – THOX redefinition of Jhāna, kāya, sukha
    VRJ👻🥶 7.2 – THOX has a weekend at Bernie’s
        VRJ👻🥶 7.2.1 – Was the Buddha negligent in defining critical key terms like Jhāna, kāya, sukha, rūpa?
            VRJ👻🥶 – We need prophets 500 years after the Buddha to explain his error
        VRJ👻🥶 7.2.2 – The Buddha knew what he was doing
VRJ👻🥶 10 – Miscellaneous
VRJ👻🥶 100 – commentary
VRJ👻🥶 999 – Bookmarks of interest
    VRJ👻🥶 999.9 – TOC permalinks

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