AN 4.14 Saṃvara: Restraint
(2025 SP-FLUENT translation by frankk )AN 4.14.1 - (saṃvara: restraint of 6aya senses)
AN 4.14.2 - (pahāna: abandon 3 wrong thoughts ☍ 2💭 )
AN - (2.1 thoughts of sensuality kāma)
AN - (2.2 thoughts of ill-will)
AN - (2.3 thoughts of harming)
AN - (2.4 thoughts of evil un-skillful Dharmas)
AN 4.14.3 - (bhāvanā: develop 7sb☀️ )
AN 4.14.4 - (anu-rakkhaṇā: protect with 5siv⚰️ nimittas)
“Cattārimāni, bhikkhave, padhānāni. | There are four types of exertion. |
[They are the same as the four aspects of right effort in the noble eightfold path.] | |
Katamāni cattāri? | What are the four exertions? |
Saṃvarappadhānaṃ, | [1] The exertion of restraint. |
pahānappadhānaṃ, | [2] The exertion of abandoning. |
bhāvanāppadhānaṃ, | [3] The exertion of development. |
anurakkhaṇāppadhānaṃ. | [4] The exertion of protection. |

4.14.1 - (saṃvara: restraint of 6aya senses)
Katamañca, bhikkhave, saṃvarappadhānaṃ? | And what, monks, is the exertion to restrain? |
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu | when |
cakkhunā rūpaṃ disvā | the eye sees form, |
na nimittaggāhī hoti | he does not grab on to its (nimitta) sign, |
nānubyañjanaggāhī. | he does not grab on to its features. |
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṃ cakkhundriyaṃ asaṃvutaṃ viharantaṃ | Because if he did not restrain the eye-faculty, |
abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṃ, | avarice, distress, and evil unskillful Dharmas would invade his mind. |
[Avarice and distress is a reference to the five hindrances 5niv⛅ .] | |
tassa saṃvarāya paṭipajjati, | Therefore the monk practices restraint. |
rakkhati cakkhundriyaṃ, | He protects the eye-faculty. |
cakkhundriye saṃvaraṃ āpajjati. | He undertakes the restraint of the eye-faculty. |
Sotena saddaṃ sutvā … | When they hear a sound with their ears … |
ghānena gandhaṃ ghāyitvā … | When they smell an odor with their nose … |
jivhāya rasaṃ sāyitvā … | When they taste a flavor with their tongue … |
kāyena phoṭṭhabbaṃ phusitvā … | When they feel a touch with their body … |
manasā dhammaṃ viññāya | When the mind cognizes dharma [mind-objects], |
na nimittaggāhī hoti | he does not grab on to its (nimitta) sign, |
nānubyañjanaggāhī, | he does not grab on to its features. |
yatvādhikaraṇamenaṃ manindriyaṃ asaṃvutaṃ viharantaṃ | Because if he did not restrain the mind-faculty, |
abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṃ, | avarice, distress, and evil unskillful Dharmas would invade his mind. |
[Avarice and distress is a reference to the five hindrances 5niv⛅ .] | |
tassa saṃvarāya paṭipajjati, | Therefore the monk practices restraint. |
rakkhati manindriyaṃ, | He protects the mind-faculty. |
manindriye saṃvaraṃ āpajjati. | He undertakes the restraint of the mind-faculty. |
[The restraint of the six sense faculties] | |
Idaṃ vuccati, bhikkhave, saṃvarappadhānaṃ. | is called the exertion of restraint. |
4.14.2 - (pahāna: abandon 3 wrong thoughts ☍ 2💭 )
Katamañca, bhikkhave, pahānappadhānaṃ? | And what is the exertion of abandoning? |
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu | [It is the abandoning of four types of wrong thought: |
three types of wrong thought that are opposite of the three right resolves 2💭 , | |
and a fourth category to cover any other types of wrong thought.] | - (2.1 thoughts of sensuality kāma)
uppannaṃ kāmavitakkaṃ | [At the very moment a monk notices] a thought of sensuality arising, |
nādhivāseti | he does not tolerate it. |
pajahati | He abandons it. |
vinodeti | He removes it. |
byantīkaroti | He destroys it. |
anabhāvaṃ gameti; | He annihilates [that thought of sensuality]. | - (2.2 thoughts of ill-will)
uppannaṃ byāpādavitakkaṃ | At the very moment a monk notices a thought of ill-will arising, |
… pe … | he does not tolerate it. |
He abandons it. | |
He removes it. | |
He destroys it. | |
He annihilates [that thought of ill-will]. | - (2.3 thoughts of harming)
uppannaṃ vihiṃsāvitakkaṃ | At the very moment a monk notices a thought of harming arising, |
… pe … | he does not tolerate it. |
He abandons it. | |
He removes it. | |
He destroys it. | |
He annihilates [that thought of harming]. | - (2.4 thoughts of evil un-skillful Dharmas)
uppannuppanne pāpake akusale dhamme | At the very moment a monk notices a thought of evil un-skillful Dharmas arising, |
nādhivāseti | he does not tolerate it. |
pajahati | He abandons it. |
vinodeti | He removes it. |
byantīkaroti | He destroys it. |
anabhāvaṃ gameti; | He annihilates [that thought of evil unskillful Dharma]. |
[The abandoning of the 4 categories of wrong thought] | |
Idaṃ vuccati, bhikkhave, pahānappadhānaṃ. | is called the exertion of abandoning. |

4.14.3 - (bhāvanā: develop 7sb☀️ )
Katamañca, bhikkhave, bhāvanāppadhānaṃ? | And what, monks, is the exertion to develop? |
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu | It’s when a monk |
satisambojjhaṅgaṃ bhāveti vivekanissitaṃ virāganissitaṃ nirodhanissitaṃ vossaggapariṇāmiṃ, … | develops the awakening factors of remembering [and applying the Dharma]..., |
dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgaṃ bhāveti… | ...investigation of Dharmas..., |
vīriyasambojjhaṅgaṃ bhāveti … | ...vigor..., |
pītisambojjhaṅgaṃ bhāveti … | ...rapture..., |
passaddhisambojjhaṅgaṃ bhāveti … | ...pacification..., |
samādhisambojjhaṅgaṃ bhāveti … | ...undistractible-lucidity..., |
upekkhāsambojjhaṅgaṃ bhāveti | and he develops the awakening factor of equanimous-observation, |
viveka-nissitaṃ | which relies on judicious-seclusion, |
virāga-nissitaṃ | relies on fading away, |
nirodha-nissitaṃ | relies on cessation, |
vossagga-pariṇāmiṃ. | and culminates in complete relinquishment. |
Idaṃ vuccati, bhikkhave, bhāvanāppadhānaṃ. | This is called the exertion to develop. |

4.14.4 - (anu-rakkhaṇā: protect with 5siv⚰️ nimittas)
Katamañca, bhikkhave, anurakkhaṇāppadhānaṃ? | And what, monks, is the effort to preserve? |
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu | It’s when a monk |
uppannaṃ bhaddakaṃ samādhi-nimittaṃ anurakkhati | protects a sign of undistractible-lucidity: |
aṭṭhika-saññaṃ | the perception of a skeleton, |
puḷavaka-saññaṃ | ….a worm-infested corpse, |
vinīlaka-saññaṃ | ...a livid corpse, |
vicchiddaka-saññaṃ | ...a split open corpse, |
uddhumātaka-saññaṃ. | or the perception of a bloated corpse. |
Idaṃ vuccati, bhikkhave, anurakkhaṇāppadhānaṃ. | This is called the exertion to protect. |
Imāni kho, bhikkhave, cattāri padhānānīti. | These are the four exertions. |
Saṃvaro ca pahānañca, | Restraint and abandoning, |
bhāvanā anurakkhaṇā; | development and protection: |
Ete padhānā cattāro, | These are the four exertions. |
desitādiccabandhunā; | taught by the Kinsman of the Sun. |
Yehi bhikkhu idhātāpī, | Any monk who ardently applies these |
khayaṃ dukkhassa pāpuṇe”ti. | may attain the ending of suffering.” |
Quiz yourself
See if you can recite the suttas using just the pictures as a cue.1. guarding the 6 sense doors
2. Abandoning 3 wrong thoughts

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