sutta text and analysis here . The 5 similes illustrated, makes it easy to memorize the key ideas of this sutta. This is one of the suttas where I memorize just visual images and reflect on the essential Dhamma teachings, rather than recite the whole pÄįø·i sutta text memorized verbatim word for word. 1) 2) 3) this is how you (try to) regard the convicted felon Donald Trump administration, the people who voted him in, and the corrupt U.S. Supreme Court. Hard work finding things to "mudita" about them. 4) is actually karuna, the other 4 are mudita 5)
The original picture, had your typical Buddha image, with highly exaggerated 32 marks of a great man, such as the pineapple tumor growing out of the top of his head, dumbo super large ears. Using a free, great program you can get for windows PC operating systems, I did some cosmetic surgery and made the Buddha look human. It only takes a few minutes once you learn how to use the paint program and have done a few operations. Krita › ... Krita is a professional FREE and open source painting program. It is made by artists that want to see affordable art tools for everyone. How to make Buddha human in a few (relatively) easy steps You need use these tools from the tool bar on the left side of Krita. 1. the eye dropper tool on left toolbar samples a color from the image, when you cover your mouse over the eye dropper, it says "sample a color from the image or current layer". click left mouse button on that eye dropper to activate it. then move your c...