Saturday, February 6, 2021

6min. video, Odin the guard dog saves herd of goats in 2017 wildfires.


post replyBodhisattva vows, the customized ones, what's your favorite, and why does it resonate?

True story from 2017 wildfires.

odin the hero guard dog:  we never heard him state what bodhisattva vows he had undertaken, but his actions proved he would put his life on the line to fulfill them. 

his sister guard dog tessa  and odin each had a shift watching over the goat herd. The 2017 norcal wildfires were fast approaching, the family was evacuating their burning property. Tessa had finished her shift, it was Odin's turn now to look after the goats. He refused to evacuate with the family, not on his watch...

story about 6 min. video describes what happen as the property burned down

Bodhisattva vows, the customized ones, what's your favorite, and why does it resonate?



Posted byu/lucid24-frankk

3 hours ago

Bodhisattva vows, the customized ones, what's your favorite, and why does it resonate?

Since this is a time of the year when people think about new years resolutions and ways to improve themselves, it led me to think about this question.

I follow Early Buddhism, but I do enjoy reading about some of the personal vows various Bodhisattvas have made, giving us a glimpse into their personality, inspiration, and depth of emotional spiritual intensity.

So I have a couple of questions for those of you who follow Mahayana based traditions that have Bodhisattva vows.

Could you explain what the difference is between the standard bodhisattva vows that practitioners in mahayana take, such as a Mahyana Bhikkhu woud take, and some of the vows that seem like customized and personalized versions for individuals, like the one I list below?

What are some of your favorite vows you've heard or read? Good links to the source would be appreciated.

Here's one of my favorites.

Wei Tuo Bodhisattva's vow

On one image of Wei Tuo, there is an inscription that says:(Rough paraphrase and translation)To any practitioner who practices righteous Dharma,with pure virtuous mind free of any evil,I vow to protect the interests of genuine Dharma.If any demon or obstructive force opposes,I will pummel them into submission and force their surrender.

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