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video of dying person's spirit leave, in the form of a small ball of light near the belly at 4:33.

A new entry added to our wiki archive of rebirth stories:


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This is a youtube video where a son films the dying hours of his father. He sings 'amazing grace' to help guide him to a better place.

You can see the spirit leave, in the form of a small ball of light near the belly at 4:33.

It looks like he might have gone to the ghost realm based on where the orb was coming out (near abdomen).

(one hour later rewatching the video):

Looking at it again, it seems like the orb came out in front of the bed and not the abdomen.  

The first orb is on the top right at 1:43.

4:33 orb seems to came out of the lower back or buttuck.  

5:11 orb went left quickly from lower center left

5:29 orb went up quickly on right

I once heard a monk say that there are so many Americans going to the ghost realm as people don't know how to dedicate merits to the dead.


6. big karmic reward: rebirth in higher deva realm signaled by warmth at crown chakra

This is an extremely good sign that he has gone to the pure land. In the Mahayana sutras (also described in Taoist yoga, Hindu, and probably any meditative tradition will have similar observations):

* People who likes to practice the Dharma and chant Buddha's name would leave from the top of his/her head.

* People who like to do good but doesn't know the Dharma would go to the Deva realms through the eyes.

* People who are going to the human realms will go out from the chest.

* People who are going to the ghost realms, they go out from the abdomen.

* Animal realm - out from the knees.

* Hell realm - from the bottom of feet.  This monks spent his whole life promoting precept and chanting Buddha's name.

Related story on 'soul mist'

Strange Deathbed Mist & Light Explained by Michael Tymn


Posted on 04 October 2010, 22:09

In his recently-released book Glimpses of Eternity, Dr. Raymond Moody, (below) who is known primarily for his pioneering work in near-death experiences, explores the area of deathbed visions and shared-death experiences. In one chapter, Moody discusses a strange mist that is sometimes reported over a deathbed.  “They describe it in various ways,” he writes. “Some say that it looks like smoke, while others say it is as subtle as steam.  Sometimes it seems to have a human shape.  Whatever the case, it usually drifts upward and always disappears fairly quickly.”

raymond moody

Moody and co-author Paul Perry quote a Georgia doctor who twice saw a mist coming up from deceased patients.  The doctor explained that as the patients died they lit up with a bright glow, their eyes shining with a silvery light.  The mist formed over the chest and hovered there, as the doctor observed closely and saw that the mist had depth and complex structure. He further said that it seemed to have layers with energetic motion in it.  During the second occurrence, the doctor felt an unseen presence standing beside him and seemingly waiting for the patient to die.

A hospice psychologist is quoted by Moody as saying that the misty clouds which form above the head or chest seem to have an electrical component to them. A nurse reported seeing a mist rising from many patients as they die, including her father, with whom she saw the mist rise from his chest “as if off a still river,” and then hovering for a few seconds before dissipating.

The bright glow witnessed by the Georgia doctor has also been reported by many other deathbed observers. Moody quotes one man as saying that the room became “uncomfortably bright,” so bright that he couldn’t shut it out even when he closed his eyes.  A hospice nurse reported seeing a “luminous presence floating near the bed, shaped somewhat like a person.”  In the same case, the head nurse saw the light in the room and light coming from the dying person’s eyes but did not observe the presence.

Moody tells of his own experience as he and other family members gathered at the bed of his dying mother.  Among some other strange things, they all saw an unusual light in the room.  “It was like looking at light in a swimming pool at night,” Moody explains.


There are countless reports of dying people having visions of light and seeing loved ones gathering, but skeptics discount them as hallucinations.  However, as Moody points out, it is one thing to claim that the dying person is hallucinating, quite another to claim that healthy people in the room are sharing in the hallucination with the dying person.  He discusses a number of other shared experiences at deathbeds and opines that they tell us more about the afterlife than the NDE and that they are “the key to proving the existence of an afterlife.” (It should be kept in mind that calling something an “hallucination” does not mean it is not “real.”  It is just not objectively real.)

Caregivers Often Witness 

Such misty vapors and “lights” around the deathbed have been reported by other researchers, including Dr. Bernard Laubscher, (below) a South African psychiatrist.  “I was told by different ‘Tant Sannies’ (caregivers) how while watching at the bedside of the dying one with one or two candles burning they had seen the formation of a faint vaporous body, an elongated whitish purplish-like cloud; parallel with the dying person and about two feet above the body,” Laubscher wrote in a 1975 book, Beyond Life’s Curtain.  “Gradually this cloudlike appearance became denser and took on the form, first vaguely and then more definitely, of the person in the bed.  This process continued until the phantom suspended above the body was an absolute replica of the person, especially the face.”

bernard laubscher

Laubscher further reported that these caregivers, some of whom were apparently clairvoyant, reported seeing a ribbon-like cord stretching from the back of the phantom’s head to the body below and that the phantom would begin to glow as it was fully formed. “They noticed that some were more luminous than others and there was a light all around the outline of the [phantom], which I could only compare to a neon tube,” Laubscher added, going on to say that as the phantom righted itself the connecting cord thinned out as if it was fraying away.  Sometimes these clairvoyant caregivers would report joyous faces of other deceased gathering around to welcome the person to the spirit world before the “silver cord” was severed and the visions ceased.

As Laubscher came to understand it, the vaporous material has the same makeup as ectoplasm, the mysterious substance given off by physical mediums before materializations.  It acts as sort of a “glue” in bonding the physical body with the spirit body, and the more materialistic a person the denser the ectoplasm and the more difficulty the person has in “giving up the ghost.”

In their excellent 2008 book, The Art of Dying, Dr. Peter Fenwick, a renowned British neuropsychiatrist, and Elizabeth Fenwick also discuss the “smoke,” “grey mist,” or “white mist” which leaves the body at death.  “Sometimes it will hover above the body before rising to disappear through the ceiling, and it is often associated with love, light, compassion, purity, and occasionally with heavenly music,” they write, adding that not everyone who is in the room sees it.

The Fenwicks quote a woman named Penny Bilcliffe, who was present when her sister died:  “I saw a fast-moving ‘Will ‘o the Wisp’ appear to leave her body by the side of her mouth on the right.  The shock and the beauty of it made me gasp.  It appeared like a fluid or gaseous diamond, pristine, sparkly, and pure, akin to the view from above of an eddy in the clearest pool you can imagine…It moved rapidly upwards and was gone.”

In his 1970 book, Out of the Body Experiences, Dr. Robert Crookall quotes Dr. R. B. Hout, a physician, who was present at the death of his aunt.  “My attention was called…to something immediately above the physical body, suspended in the atmosphere about two feet above the bed.  At first I could distinguish nothing more than a vague outline of a hazy, fog-like substance.  There seemed to be only a mist held suspended, motionless.  But, as I looked, very gradually there grew into my sight a denser, more solid, condensation of this inexplicable vapor.  Then I was astonished to see definite outlines presenting themselves, and soon I saw this fog-like substance was a assuming a human form.”

Hout then saw that the form resembled the physical body of his aunt.  The form hung suspended horizontally a few feet above the body.  When the phantom form appeared complete, Hout saw his aunt’s features clearly.  “They were very similar to the physical face, except that a glow of peace and vigor was expressed instead of age and pain. The eyes were closed as though in tranquil sleep, and a luminosity seemed to radiate from the spirit body.”

Hout then observed a “silverlike substance” streaming from the head of the physical body to the head of the spirit body.  “The colour was a translucent luminous silver radiance.  The cord seemed alive with vibrant energy.  I could see the pulsations of light stream along the course of it, from the direction of the physical body to the spirit ‘double.’  With each pulsation the spirit body became more alive and denser, whereas the physical body became quieter and more nearly lifeless…”

When the pulsations of the cord stopped, Hout could see various strands of the cord snapping.  When the last connecting strand snapped, the spirit body rose to a vertical position, the eyes opened, and a smile broke from the face before it vanished from his sight.



The user comments section also has many interesting responses, here are a few:

I had a heart attack and emergency open heart triple bypass surgery. This occurred 1 week before I was supposed to go 500 miles north to lay my father to rest who had passed away 5 MONTHS EARLIER! The winter was already too bad in Michigans Upper Peninsula so we could not bury him. He was a devote/traditional Roman Catholic and putting him in a urn was out of the question. I was and still am his spitting image!!!!!! While in CCU 3 days after the surgery, I was fine/not doped up. I had discomfort obviously, but I was watching the Tigers game in my recliner.*It was then I noticed/perceived the fine mist that was swirling all about me. Having a medical background myself and quite familiar with a hospital setting i asked the CCU nurse “does the hospital use anything in the ventilation system etc” She replied NO! I decided to give this “Swirling Mist” the litmus test! Like smoke, if I were to sweep my hand across and through it then IT WOULD DISPLACE. Just like smoke from a fire. Well it didn’t! I was amazed yet calm and simply said “Hello, hope ya like baseball” lol

Chris, Fri 22 Nov, 01:53


First, sorry for my bad english, in my county we speak portuguese. I am very happy to have found reports of experiences with this white smoke, because I imagined that I was the only one who had experienced similar experience. My father died 18 years ago of a heart attack during the night while we were asleep. inexplicably I awakened in the middle of the night in an abrupt way with a strange thirst, but which was not physiological thirst, was a different thirst, which I can not describe. I got up and went to the kitchen to get some water, and when I got there I found my father dead on the floor and we could not do anything to save him.

The next night, during his funeral, I walked alone through the cemetery where he would be buried, and some 10 meters away, I saw a condensed white smoke, like a cloud, with the size and shape of a person. this form was lowered looking down, and suddenly it rose in a very fast movement, stood for about 5 seconds and disappeared very fast, shrinking to fade.

I went back to the funeral room and told to my family and friens, but obviously no one believed me.

I’m sure of what I saw, because the scene lasted for about 10 seconds, and I was totally lucid.

It was not smoke or mist, because these, besides not moving, slowly dissipate. What I saw had the solid form and proper movement.

I am very critical of these matters, but I am very grateful to have been through this experience, otherwise it would probably be very difficult for me to believe in these matters.

Marcos Ferrari, Sun 17 Jun, 16:31


This is something I share with many people. It is meant to give comfort in knowing there is more out there waiting for us all. On November 26 2016 my brother in law Joe who was a best friend to me passed in a hospital room after being in a coma for almost 2 weeks. We all were gathered around him when he was pronounced dead by the Doctor. Soon everyone started to leave the room to go home and console his wife, (my wife’s sister) and each other. As my wife and I were leaving I noticed Joe was going to be alone. I told my wife I am going to stay with him until the orderlies come to take him away.  Then it was just Joe and I in the room, I sat talked to him and prayed. A nurse came in we spoke, I told her what a great person Joe was. I was lucky to know him. I made her cry a little. Then she told me she has never seen anyone stay with the body before like this. Families tend to scatter once someone is pronounced dead.  A couple of minutes later, another sister in law and her husband came in. They said their good byes to Joe. The nurse then walks in and tells us “Can you step out of the room, we are going to clean him up now and take all the tubes out. We are going to put him in a body bag”. My sister in law and brother in law said they could not bare to see him like that. I told them don’t worry I will stay with Joe to the end, then they left. I went back into the room, it was just Joe and I again.  As I sat there, I saw the bag. White and pristine. I spoke to Joe, I prayed, I cried, I had my head in my hand. I said Joe, I’ll stay with you here until the end, but I hope you are not waiting around for me. If you have to go somewhere go. At that moment I was looking straight at the body bag. I saw a very thin mist or smoke rise from the body bag about 4 feet in the air. When it got to about 4 feet in the air it disappeared so fast. The only way I can describe is if you have ever seen a jet break the sound barrier. One second it is there, then it is gone. The look on my face was like, “no one will believe me,” but I don’t care I know what I saw. There was a camera in that hospital room. I always wonder what it could of picked up. I know it must have gotten the look on my face. The orderlies came about 20 minutes later and I asked them this, “take care of my brother.” The next day I looked on the internet and saw articles that this is actually a thing that happens.  It makes me think, why do we need these bodies if we have some kind of spirit already that floats around? I came to the realization we use our bodies, these shells as a tool, to make bonds through life with love ones, friends. It’s how we connect. Once you have your connections no one or nothing can take that away from you. Not even death. So now I try to make as many good connections as I can, that will stay with me into the next life. Not money, not power, but pure love. That is the true secret to life, happiness, understanding and strength. Thank you for your website Michael Tymn.

Nando Caldarone, Fri 2 Feb, 08:22


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