In Abhidhamma gloss of 4sp practice, Sampajāno and Anupassana are identical.
'Vipassana' is included as part of the definition of both.
(from B. Anandajoti tranns.)
gloss: ‘Anupassī.’, ‘Contemplating.’
‘Anupassī.’ ti | ‘Contemplating.’ |
Tattha, katamā anupassanā? | Herein, what is contemplation? |
Yā paññā pajānanā vicayo pavicayo dhammavicayo, | That which is wisdom, knowing, investigation, deep investigation, investigation of (the nature of) things,{16} |
sallakkhaṇā upalakkhaṇā paccupalakkhaṇā, | discernment, discrimination, differentiation,{17} |
paṇḍiccaṁ kosallaṁ nepuññaṁvebhabyā cintā upaparikkhā, | erudition, skilfulness, subtlety,{18} clarification, thoughtfulness, consideration, |
bhūrī medhā pariṇāyikā vipassanā sampajaññaṁ patodo, | breadth, intelligence, guidance, insight, full awareness, examination,{19} |
paññā Paññindriyaṁ Paññābalaṁ, | wisdom, the Faculty of Wisdom, the Strength of Wisdom,{20} |
paññāsatthaṁ paññāpāsādo paññā-āloko | the sword of wisdom, height of wisdom, light of wisdom, |
paññā-obhāso paññāpajjoto paññāratanaṁ, | lustre of wisdom, flame of wisdom, treasure of wisdom,{21} |
amoho dhammavicayo Sammādiṭṭhi: | non-delusion, investigation of (the nature of) things, Right View: |
ayaṁ vuccati ‘anupassanā.’ | this is called ‘contemplation.’ |
Imāya anupassanāya upeto hoti samupeto upāgato samupāgato, | With this contemplation he is endowed, truly endowed, having attained, truly attained, |
upapanno samupapanno samannāgato. | being possessed, truly possessed, furnished (with it). |
Tena vuccati ‘anupassī.’ ti | Because of this ‘contemplating’ is said. |
gloss: ‘Sampajāno.’, lucid-discerning
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‘Sampajāno.’ ti | ‘Full awareness.’ |
Tattha, katamaṁ sampajaññaṁ? | Herein, what is full awareness?{27} |
Yā paññā pajānanā vicayo pavicayo dhammavicayo, | That which is wisdom, knowing, investigation, deep investigation, investigation of (the nature of) things, |
sallakkhaṇā upalakkhaṇā paccupalakkhaṇā, | discernment, discrimination, differentiation, |
paṇḍiccaṁ kosallaṁ nepuññaṁ vebhabyā cintā upaparikkhā, | erudition, skilfulness, subtlety, clarification, thoughtfulness, consideration, |
bhūrī medhā pariṇāyikā vipassanā sampajaññaṁ patodo, | breadth, intelligence, guidance, insight, full awareness, examination, |
paññā Paññindriyaṁ Paññābalaṁ, | wisdom, the Faculty of Wisdom, the Strength of Wisdom, |
paññāsatthaṁ paññāpāsādo paññā-āloko | the sword of wisdom, height of wisdom, light of wisdom, |
paññā-obhāso paññāpajjoto paññāratanaṁ, | lustre of wisdom, flame of wisdom, treasure of wisdom, |
amoho dhammavicayo Sammādiṭṭhi: | non-delusion, investigation of (the nature of) things, Right View: |
idaṁ vuccati ‘sampajaññaṁ.’ | this is called ‘full awareness.’ |
Iminā sampajaññena upeto hoti samupeto upāgato samupāgato, | With this full awareness he is endowed, truly endowed, having attained, truly attained, |
upapanno samupapanno samannāgato. | being possessed, truly possessed, furnished (with it). |
Tena vuccati ‘sampajāno.’ ti | Because of this ‘full awareness’ is said. |
So is Abhidhamma wrong here?