Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Dhp 137: error in Sujato translation here?

At least 3 translators are similar to mine:

♦ 137.
♦ yo daṇḍena a-daṇḍesu,
For those who do violence towards the non-violent,
ap-pa-duṭṭhesu dussati.
and offends those who are non-offensive,
♦ dasannamaññataraṃ ṭhānaṃ,
into one of ten bad states
khippameva nigacchati.
they swiftly fall into:


sujato has:

One who violently attacksthe peaceful and the innocentswiftly fallsto one of ten bad states:

somewhat similar to:

Dhp 129–145: Daṇḍavagga—Peter Feldmeier (

One who does violence to the innocent and
Will quickly encounter one of ten states:

Can someone explain the pali process they went through?  Are they in error, or multiple correct solutions here?

1 comment:

  1. The translation here offers special sympathy to the Chosen People of God.
