Monday, June 12, 2023

grossed out by eating? you should be. Here are some tips how


Eating socially, if you tune in to the right perception, is really gross.
I can usually turn that perception on or off at will. 
Anyone can, with good samadhi and practice.
Hearing the sounds of everyone eating food, and seeing it, is just as gross as if everyone was communally excreting feces together and watching the feces coming out their anus.
Eating food is just the reverse of that process.
It's like feces being shoved in the mouth, and much noisier than excreting feces.
Actually, even after people just chew a few times and spit it back out, it already grosses most people out.
Yet, the world at large celebrates and glorifies the pleasures of getting together with other people and slobbering over food.
I thought I was a little bit weird, being able to be really grossed out by the process (and sounds) of eating, but it's a known condition.

Is misophonia related to intelligence?
Misophonia is more common in women than in men and tends to appear more in people with higher IQs.

What is the phobia of hearing people eat?
If Noises Like Chewing Or Swallowing Drive You Mad, You May Have Misophonia
 Some people experience intense rage or fear when they hear the sound of people chewing, spitting, or throat-clearing. Turns out they may have a rare condition known as misophonia.

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