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sex, drugs, rock and roll: 'viveka' is not 'seclusion'

This is the TITWOW Syndrome : TITWOW = Translators Irritatingly Translate With One Word 

I explore the meaning and translation of the term in detail here:

4👑☸ → EBpedia📚 → viveka  

citing the suttas that most clearly show viveka can not be (just) seclusion,

but more along the lines of wisdom, discernment, discrimination, judgment, 

just as the sanskrit dictionary definition states (which doesn't even list 'seclusion' as an option!)

sex, drugs, rock and roll

Here I want to explore 'viveka' in the context of first jhāna's relation to Kāma (sensuality),

and show why 'viveka' can not be (unqualified) seclusion.

Suppose you're the parents of two teenage kids, one boy, one girl, who just hit the puberty age, where hormones are running wild and they're exposed to all kinds of temptations and dangers involving sex, drugs, rock and roll.

The right way to train your kids, is with 'viveka'.

But which viveka? Here are three kinds of viveka, as interpreted by Buddhist translators of first jhāna.

1. 'viveka' = 'seclusion' from five cords of sensual pleasures 

99% of translators seem to go with this option.

So following this strategy, the way you, as parents would protect your teenage kids, are to 'seclude' them from sex, drugs, rock and roll.

You don't allow them to have a boy friend or girl friend until they graduate college.

You don't allow them to wear provocative clothing.

You don't allow them to spend any time alone with someone of the opposite sex.

You don't allow them to watch any sensual media, movies, music, etc.

You don't allow them to talk to or associate with any friends who are into sex, drugs, rock and roll, etc.

You get the idea.

You seclude them from bad influences, and any possible link to contact with bad things.


2. 'viveka' = 'discernment', understanding the nature of the five cords of sensual pleasures 

Keren Arbel translates that way (see viveka 10 – misc.).

Unlike the parents of #1, the parents of #2  realize if they just they 'seclude' their kids in a protective bubble devoid of sex, drugs, rock and roll, but don't teach their kids why those elements are dangerous,  it's unlikely the kids are going to suddenly figure out the dangers themselves.

What's more likely to happen, is the kids are going to become even more intensely interested in sex, drugs, rock and roll, disobey their parents, and embrace the very dangers their parents wish them to avoid. 
What a thrill, to do the taboo.

(to be continued...)


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