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Vimuttimagga by Ven. Nyanatusita is now available as a free eBook

article update 2024 - 01 - 29 

Both volumes of PDF have now been released by the book publisher (before only first volume).
The free version of  book is fully available now.

free pdf here: digital edition

PDF's are terrible formats for digital devices.
I've made an html version with massive table of contents of permanent hyperlinks here:
4👑☸ → 🏛️ → Vimt-N 

I'll be continuing to massage and improve the formatting of the book over time, 
but so far the most important chapters, 8-12, I've made clear separation between footnotes and actual Vimt. text,
and added a massive number of useful direct hpyerlinks to topics of interest, such as:

Vimt-N 8 - CHAPTER 8 The Way to Practise [the Meditation Subjects]1
    Vimt-N 8.0 - A. Earth Totality
    Vimt-N 8.1 - B. First Jhāna
    Vimt-N 8.2 - C. Second Jhāna
    Vimt-N 8.3 - D. Third Jhāna
    Vimt-N 8.4 - E. Fourth Jhāna
    Vimt-N 8.5 - F. Base of Boundless Space
    Vimt-N 8.6 - G. Base of Boundless Consciousness
    Vimt-N 8.7 - H. Base of Nothingness
    Vimt-N 8.8 - I. Base of Neither-perception-nor-non-perception
    Vimt-N 8.9 - J. Other Totalities
    Vimt-N 8.10 - K. Ten Perceptions of the Foul
    Vimt-N 8.11 - L. Ten Recollections
        Vimt-N 8.11.1 - L1. Recollection of the Buddha
        Vimt-N 8.11.2 - L2. Recollection of the Dhamma
        Vimt-N 8.11.3 - L3. Recollection of the Saṅgha
        Vimt-N 8.11.4 - L4. Recollection of Virtue
        Vimt-N 8.11.5 - L5. Recollection of Generosity
        Vimt-N 8.11.6 - L6. Recollection of Deities
        Vimt-N 8.11.7 - L7. Mindfulness of Breathing
            Vimt-N - Introduction
            Vimt-N - Procedure
            Vimt-N - Explanation
            Vimt-N - The sign
            Vimt-N - Four ways of practice
            Vimt-N - The sixteen training grounds
                Vimt-N - (1–2) “When he breathes in long (and short)
                Vimt-N - (3) “He trains, ‘Experiencing the whole body
                Vimt-N - (4) “He trains, ‘Calming the bodily formations
                Vimt-N - (5) “He trains, ‘Experiencing rapture
                Vimt-N - (6) “He trains, ‘Experiencing pleasure
                Vimt-N - (7) “He trains, ‘Experiencing the mental formations
                Vimt-N - (8) “He trains, ‘Calming the mental formations
                Vimt-N - (9) “He trains, ‘Experiencing the mind
                Vimt-N - (10) “He trains, ‘Gladdening the mind
                Vimt-N - (11) “He trains, ‘Concentrating the mind
                Vimt-N - (12) “He trains, ‘Freeing the mind
                Vimt-N - (13) “He trains, ‘Contemplating impermanence
                Vimt-N - (14) “He trains, ‘Contemplating fading away
                Vimt-N - (15) “He trains, ‘Contemplating cessation
                Vimt-N - (16) “He trains, ‘Contemplating relinquishment
            Vimt-N - Miscellaneous topics
        Vimt-N 8.11.8 - L8. Recollection of Death
        Vimt-N 8.11.9 - L9. Mindfulness of the Body
            Vimt-N - Introduction
            Vimt-N - Procedure
            Vimt-N - Thirteen ways of practice
            Vimt-N - Seed
            Vimt-N - Location
            Vimt-N - Condition
            Vimt-N - Oozing
            Vimt-N - Gradual physical formation
            Vimt-N - Kinds of worms
            Vimt-N - Support
            Vimt-N - Mass
            Vimt-N - Repulsiveness
            Vimt-N - Dirtiness
            Vimt-N - [Breeding] ground
            Vimt-N - Ingratitude
            Vimt-N - Finiteness
            Vimt-N - Conclusion
        Vimt-N 8.11.10 - L10. Recollection of Stillness
    Vimt-N 8.12 - M. Four Immeasurables
        Vimt-N 8.12.1 - M1. Loving-kindness
        Vimt-N 8.12.2 - M2. Compassion
        Vimt-N 8.12.3 - M3. Appreciative gladness
        Vimt-N 8.12.4 - M4. Equanimity
    Vimt-N 8.13 - N. Defining of the Four Elements
    Vimt-N 8.14 - O. Perception of Repulsiveness of Food
    Vimt-N 8.15 - P. Base of Nothingness and Base of Neither-perception-nor-non-perception
    Vimt-N 8.16 - Q. Chapter Conclusion
Vimt-N 9 - CHAPTER 9 Five Direct Knowledges
    Vimt-N 9.1 - Introduction
    Vimt-N 9.2 - Three kinds of supernormal power
    Vimt-N 9.3 - Seven kinds of supernormal power
    Vimt-N 9.4 - Supernormal power due to the pervasive force of knowledge
    Vimt-N 9.5 - Supernormal power due to the pervasive force of concentration
    Vimt-N 9.6 - Supernormal power of the noble ones
    Vimt-N 9.7 - Supernormal power born of result of kamma
    Vimt-N 9.8 - Supernormal power of the meritorious
    Vimt-N 9.9 - Supernormal power sprung from magic knowledge
    Vimt-N 9.10 - Supernormal power due to [right] application
    Vimt-N 9.11 - Procedure of developing supernormal power
    Vimt-N 9.12 - Supernormal power of resolve
    Vimt-N 9.13 - Supernormal power of miraculous transformation
    Vimt-N 9.14 - Supernormal power of [producing a] mind-made [body]
    Vimt-N 9.15 - Miscellaneous topics
    Vimt-N 9.16 - Divine ear
    Vimt-N 9.17 - Knowledge of others’ minds
    Vimt-N 9.18 - Recollection of past lives
    Vimt-N 9.19 - Divine eye
    Vimt-N 9.20 - Miscellaneous topics
Vimt-N 10 - CHAPTER 10 Exposition of Wisdom (Paññā-niddesa)
Vimt-N 11 - CHAPTER 11 The Five Skills
Vimt-N 12 - CHAPTER 12 Exposition of the Truths (Sacca-niddesa)

forum discussion

Re: What is more reliable? Visuddhi Magga or Vimuttimagga?

Post by Assaji » Thu Nov 30, 2023 9:36 am
Hi Dhamma friends,

The new translation of the Vimuttimagga by Ven. Nyanatusita is now available as a free eBook at: ... uttimagga/

Re: What is more reliable? Visuddhi Magga or Vimuttimagga?Report

Post by frank k » Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:24 am
If you read the introductory section to Vimt., it gives you a pretty good idea of the differences between Vism. and Vimt.

Vimt. is practical and concise, meant for people seeking nirvana.
Vism. is compiled with scholarly detail [of questionable value], by non meditators who go on long winded meandering without giving proper guidance on when there are contradictory positions presented, which one is reliable, which one should be followed. It enjoys greater popularity because it's adopted by the late Theravada party, and also has a 'bigger is better' fallacy. The book is much bigger and thicker and it sounds complicated and impressive therefore it must be better and true and correct.

Unfortunately most end users lack the ability and qualifications to sort out what's true and what's false.


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