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🔗📝 collection of notes on macro cosmic orbit breathing and exercises

4👑☸☯🦍 macro'ing

(excerpt on breathing)

This Taoist method is hugely beneficial in unlocking the power of  

step 3 and 4 of  Buddha's 16 steps of breath meditation 16🌬️😤‍

You may think you're relaxed, and you may think you are aware of sensations in your body, but until you can feel the currents of energy running through your body, sensations of liquid flow, electricity, heat, force, pressure, etc., 
and until these 8 channels are very open and clear, your jhāna is going to be incomplete.

3.10 - macro cosmic orbit breathing

This cavity of mortality (at the root of the penis)
is the source from which (vital) breath circulates in all parts of the body.

Therefore, each morning, after leaving your bed
you should circulate this (vital) breath in all the eight psychic channels.

This consists of stopping breathing through the nose and mouth
in order to concentrate on the cavity of mortality
as the point of departure (in the following ten phases of breathing):

3.10.1 - in, tail bone to head

1) (vid.) Breathe in to drive the (vital) breath into the channel of control (tu mo in the spinal column)
from its base up to the brain.

3.10.2 - out, head down past chest

2) (vid.) Breathe out to lower the (vital) breath in the channel of function (jen mo in front of the body)
and return it to the mortal cavity (at the base of the penis).

3.10.3 - in, belt, up back to shoulder

3) (vid.) Breathe in to raise it (in the jen mo or channel of function)
from the mortal cavity to the cavity of vitality (or lower tan t’ien)
and to the navel where the tai mo or belt channel starts from both sides of the navel forming a belt (which circles the belly)
and where the (vital) breath divides into two to reach the small of the back,
thence going up to both shoulders where it stops.

3.10.4 - out, down outer arms

4) (vid.) Breathe out to let it flow from both shoulders down into the (positive) yang yu channels
in the outer sides of both wrists
to the middle fingers before reaching the centres of both palms where it stops.

3.10.5 - in, up inner arms to chest

5) (vid.) Breathe in to lift the (vital) breath from the centres of both palms
into the (negative) yin yu channels in the inner sides of both wrists
up to the chest where it stops.

3.10.6 - out, down chest and front

6) (vid.) Breathe out to drive the (vital) breath down to the belt channel where its two branches re-unite
before returning to the mortal cavity.

3.10.7 - in, up but never above heart

7) (vid.) Breathe in to lift it from the mortal cavity into the thrusting channel (ch’ung mo)
up to the chiang kung cavity (solar plexus under the heart) where it stops;
on no account should it rise above the heart.

3.10.8 - out, down outer legs to feet

8) (vid.) Breathe out to send it from under the heart down to the mortal cavity
where it divides into two to descend in the two positive ch’iao channels on the outer sides of the thighs
and through the toes of the feet before reaching the centres of the soles of the feet,
called bubbling spring cavities (yung ch’uan) where it stops.

3.10.9 - in, up inner legs

9) (vid.) Breathe in to raise it from the soles of the feet into the negative ch’iao channels in the inner sides of the legs
up to the mortal cavity and thence to the cavity of vitality (below the navel) where it stops.

3.10.10 - out, back down to mortal cavity

10) (vid.) Breathe out to lower it from the cavity of vitality
to the mortal cavity where it stops.

Taoist Yoga p.26

The (vital) breath should circulate in all the eight psychic channels
in order to clear all cavities of negative impurities which hinder the preparation of the golden elixir.

If the above exercise is done daily causing (vitality to) vibrate in the channels,
this shows that they are cleared of all impurities.

If they are not cleared,
the negative impurities cannot be eliminated and the alchemical agent cannot be gathered.

Even if this agent were gathered,
it would not produce the elixir of life.
You should pay particular attention to all this.


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