this is some advice I gave to a friend,
but monastics, 8 preceptor yogis will also find beneficial.
I can sit full lotus on these comfortably even.
a private email I sent to my friend,
who is a serious meditator and keeps brahmacariya.
this is the stool I've been using for a few years as my main computer chair
I like it a lot.
only 35$!
for the ottoman storage cubes,
we got ours from temu from various random chinese vendors so I don't know which is the best one on amazon.
THe ones I use are 15x15x15 cubes.
don't get anything shorter height and smaller seats than that.
17" high is a more comfortable leg height for me,
but prices can go up much higher when you have ottomans with 2" wooden legs.
that's why I think you should get a stool for your computer chair,
and for the ottoman, start with a 15x15x15 that is in the 20-30$ range.
remember, it's a storage container too, so if you store stuff in it and you're not using because of the ergonomic fit, it's not going to take up space when you store in your closet or whatever.
buy one that is returnable easily to amazon if you don't like it.
one of these days I'm going to splurge and get one of those 50-100$ ottomans with good quality material, bigger seat and taller.
i suspect you'll be like me and come to the realization
if I had used stools and ottomans everywhere for everything (work, regular life, meditation) instead of regular chairs with back support,
for my whole life,
my posture and health would be much better now in my old age because of it.
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