What B.Analayo says about V&V in MN 19, 78, 125 2009 Bhikkhu AnÄlayo's (V&Vš) vitakka & vicÄra enclopedia entry: In fact, according to the (MN 78) Samanamandikii Sutta, the complete cessation of unwholesome thoughts and intentions can be achieved by attaining the first jhana. This points to the contribution that the development of samatha has to offer in relation to overcoming unwholesome thoughts. A meditation practice explicitly recommended forgoing beyond thought is mindfulness of breathing (Ud. 37). Vitakka and Jhana The Dvedhavitakka Sutta (MN 19) indicates that even though thoughts related to renunciation, non ill-will and harmlessness are entirely wholesome, yet, excessive thinking will tire the mind and not lead to concentration. Hence at some point even wholesome thoughts need to be left behind in order to steady the mind and lead it to deeper concentration (MN 19) (M I. 116). ...
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