Friday, December 27, 2019

funny google translation results from chinese agama to english sutta phrases

evam me sutam (thus I heard) 

I smell like this:    

In MA 81, parallel, Buddha cusses up a storm, exclaiming "Shite!" (Shit!) many times throughout the sutta.

爾時,眾多比丘於中 食後,集坐講堂,共論此事。「諸賢!世尊甚奇! 甚特!修習念身,分別廣布,極知極觀,極修習, 極護治,善具善行,在一心中,佛說念身有大 果報,得眼、有目見第一義。」
In the meantime, many bhikkhus ate in the middle, and then sat in the lecture hall to discuss the matter. "Zhuxian! The world respect is very strange! Shite! Practice the mind and body, spread widely, know the insight, practice, protect, and have good deeds. In one mind, the Buddha said that there is great reward for mindfulness, See the first meaning. "    

So true, but not what the sutra actually meant 

Vipassana is painful and entertaining, 內 觀痛痛而自娛樂,

monk entertains himself by observing 31 body parts

「云何比丘 內觀身而自娛樂?於是,比丘觀此身隨其 性行,從頭至足,從足至頭,觀此身中皆悉 不淨,無有可貪。復觀此身有毛、髮、爪、齒、 皮、肉、筋、骨、髓、腦、脂膏、腸、胃、心、肝、脾、腎之屬,皆 悉觀知。屎、尿、生熟二藏、目淚、唾、涕、血脈、肪、膽, 皆當觀知,無可貪者。如是,諸比丘!當 觀身自娛樂,除去惡念,無有愁憂。
"Why does Bhikkhu look at himself and entertain himself? So, Bhikkhu sees his body as he goes, from head to toe, from foot to head, and he is not clean in this body, and there is nothing to be greedy. Looking back at this body, The genus of hair, hair, claws, teeth, skin, meat, tendons, bones, marrow, brain, grease, intestine, stomach, heart, liver, spleen, and kidney are all known. Shit, urine, raw and cooked, Tears, saliva, sputum, blood, fat, gallbladder should all be seen and understood, and there is no one who can be greedy. If so, all bhikkhus! When watching the body and entertaining itself, remove the bad thoughts, there is no worry.   

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